COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Lol, we’ve been doing that. It didn’t pan out too well.

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That’s absolutely untrue. The federal government is spending the money still. We let them have their way on the federal government not doing anything, not on defunding it. If they’re going to be useless I’d like them to shut down.

I’m going to cut them a pretty big check this year to turn a bunch of brown kids into skeletons and to make a bunch of rich white people even richer.

I’m also super tired of my tax dollars funding rural shithole states non existent social programs. They’re using that money like NFL players use safety equipment like helmets and pads.

This is really the core thing. We desperately need a real government in this country and it’s becoming very obvious we don’t have one. The federal government takes up a lot of the policy making oxygen and it’s very obviously incapable of getting things done and deserves way less respect than people on the left/progressives give it. The GOP may have damaged it beyond repair.

What we have now is the worst of both worlds. We’re spending the money and not getting anything of value back. At this point I’d be fine with the blue states keeping the money they currently send the federal government and using it to actually do stuff. I’m not sold that the core 50 states our empire is built on should even remain united. There’s a very good chance it’s just too big to administer. The federal government is actively blocking progress from being made on a wide variety of issues because its organizational structure isn’t built for the task in front of it IMO.

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You think giving the GOP more control over the federal budget will reduce this? Were you following politics from 2001-2008?

We’re not talking about what can really happen here. I’m saying that the federal budget should be <100B in this alternate solution I’m suggesting. They can’t do very much harm with <100B and no regulatory authority. The budget and the power need to get kicked back to the states. Yes that means red states will get worse, but it means blue states can setup to take the refugees properly.

I’m talking about reallocating the power and cash from the federal government to the states. I’m ready to give up on the entire federal government basically. I think it’s fucked honestly. We have no shot of using it to go anything good in the next 10 years and if we don’t start moving, quickly, we’re fucked.

We’re fucked IRL obviously. There are no outs left in the deck that I’m aware of. This empire is not going to pull up before it slams into the side of a mountain.

I’m also pretty sure that if we break the union up and it’s every state for themselves the blue states will end up with vastly more power than they currently have simply because of their economic clout.

You understand that the GOP doesn’t actually want any of this, right?

I’m tired of giving a shit what they want. It’s not a negotiation if you can’t leave and leave was the right decision a long time ago. The sane people of this country need to just leave already.

My instincts are to go the other direction, double the size of the Federal government and complement each of the white paper / think tank departments with a practical department that actually gets shit done.

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Maybe it is wishful thinking but the rate of increase for cases in the US appears to be slowing.

That’s a lot less likely than mine and mine is impossible.

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I really wonder how many people have already had covid.

Over 15% of the Czech Republic has tested positive for it but given that the delta mutation wave that was supposed to crush us like the UK is falling off and didn’t do shit to us in the end, I’m wondering how many people have contracted it but were just asymptomatic. I wouldn’t be surprised if the number is way higher than we think.

What’s becoming bad is that it appears we’re nearing our peak regarding vaccines. The number of given shots per day has been decreasing all month despite us increasing accessibility to it. Only 52% of the country has at least one shot which is a few percentage points less than America.

I’ll cop to getting nervous as I see a lot of the breakthrough cases myself.

If you are seeing them in the ER that is not a great sign.

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Gentlemen, start you engines

(Not too concerned about the actual data, post of lolz)


reminds me of a hilarious study (published on pubmed) that claimed women who swallowed semen from their partner was associated with lower rates of pre-eclampsia

39? Wow

Holy shit at almost as many cases as post Holiday 2020.

Thats fucking insanity

How did this not warrant an Ig Nobel Prize?