COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

This is fine.

One of the twitter comments on this said they didn’t measure any of these people before covid and are just comparing to some kind of baseline, which seems problematic if true.

Also why I’ve stopped following Eric Fiegl-Ding or whatever. He seems to be the Seth Abramson of covid - sounding new massive alarms every day.

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Big error bars but still looks significant by eye. (Have since seen comment that the whole scale is small).

I wonder how much of any “long” Covid is simply the impacts of less efficient lungs and net less effective O2.

Of course from here forward, the people that get Covid are stupid to begin with.

Almost none (2-3 a day on avg, almost exclusively in the younger, non-vaxxed population), though delta is responsible for a micro surge in the country at large. Our CDC isn’t too concerned though, given that high vaxx rates will limit both spread and impact.

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Well, he’s right that it’s not a second wave.


100% agree. They have done an absolutely horrific job top to bottom.

The CDC is a first rate example of useless ivory tower navel gazing technocrats. I’m sure they employ smart people but there really should be a reform project coming out of the pandemic that aims to completely revamp the institution.


Need to just abolish and start over. The CDC are basically the police of germs: a reputation for heroic competence built entirely on favorable media portrayals papering over complete ineptitude at their core function.

EDIT: Never forget. And while digging up this link, I came across this other one, about how the CDC fucked up Zika testing in exactly the same way they fucked up COVID testing.

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Looks like lack of air conditioning to me. More open windows and doors, more open air seating, less escaping to the mall to avoid the heat.

They are really set up to write white papers, not actually effectively manage public health.

A huge amount of the federal government is in the business of writing white papers and cutting huge checks to contractors. There’s a decent chunk of my brain that thinks we should let the GOP get their way on the size of the federal government and just let the states handle everything domestic. They aren’t particularly responsible but they also aren’t nearly as big of a disaster as the federal government is.

The parts of the federal government that do work have very clear missions to provide specific services universally. Every single place that requires discretion they seem to turn into a five alarm dumpster fire ASAP.

I think large corporations are almost as inefficient as the federal government ironically. Most of this just comes down to being too big to manage.

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More information on the delta variant in Israel:


Was just about to post this. Thought the same a few days ago that something was iffy:

This is what, the third piece of poor work out of Israel?


I mean, I don’t think we’d have too much trouble finding bad work coming out of the US, but Israel gets a lot of attention because of its high vaccination rate.

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Some unvaccinated idiot porn for you.

Inside, McNay sat along with a half a dozen other customers who likewise lamented, what they viewed as, a breathless push for vaccines. Two bartenders floated in and out of the conversation, dropping comments like “what’s Covid?” to laughter. Just recently, a beloved cook at the restaurant had died from the virus, they said. But that hadn’t changed the thinking around vaccinations. The cook, they reasoned, likely had other underlying complications.

“We don’t know what else was wrong with him,” said Murry Ferris, who frequents Shorty Pants with his wife Jane. By contrast, Murry said, he and his wife exercise vigorously and regularly. Even so, Jane Ferris said the vaccine hadn’t been studied long enough and she didn’t want to be a “guinea pig.”

“they reasoned”


That’s a fair point. My understanding is that this is government work, although that could be wrong.

Up my ass and to the left

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