COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

It’s 8am here in South Australia, we will have been in lockdown for a week as of 6pm. As long as there’s no weird sudden uncovering of community transmission at the press conference at 11am, the lockdown will be lifted as of midnight tonight. We had like 20 cases in this outbreak but they were basically all already in quarantine because of what SA authorities call the “double ring fencing” approach:

When the first case was confirmed, 16 “primary close contacts” of the elderly man were placed into quarantine, including his daughter.

Importantly, contact tracers got in touch with the contacts of those primary contacts, who included attendees of The Greek on Halifax and the Tenafeate winery.

This proved to be crucial, as many of the cases that were confirmed later in the week were already in quarantine by the time they returned positive tests — thereby reducing the risk of community transmission.

“We do not only our primary contacts, but we also require secondary contacts to go into quarantine. That’s because this virus moves really, really quickly,” Professor Spurrier said last week.

"It has been shown interstate that, by the time you get to your primary contacts, they have already infected their secondary contacts and those secondary contacts have been out and about.

“As soon as we find that the primary contact is negative, we are able to say to the secondary contacts you’re not at risk anymore.”

Very happy with the way our government has handled this. The centre-right party are in charge but between the Premier’s handling of this and getting voluntary euthanasia into law on a conscience vote over the objections of senior members of his own party, I am feeling pretty well disposed towards him right now.


Certainly a huge factor. I would attribute most of the US improvement to vaccinations and being a rich country, and we barely improved! The countries that are just now getting testing are definitely going to struggle for years to come.

Have a relative who moved a relatively short distance from Missouri to Illinois and they say it is night and day difference when it comes to Covid.

Clearly the guy is almost bankrupt and just running head on into the iceberg.

The difference between Torrance and Huntington Beach is night and day when it comes to Covid.


Had what’s likely my first breakthrough vaccination admission:

60s woman, had moderna 2-4 months ago, hypoxic, negative swab but classic findings on imaging

Also whoo boi some nurses are spicy about this new California mandate. Most of the unvaccinated idiots already have had covid in the ER.

Vaccine lottery?

I’m surprised at how few people received a covid test

Also on Monday, the San Francisco Bar Owner Alliance, which represents hundreds of businesses, announced that, starting Thursday, July 29, establishments will require indoor customers to provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test result from the past 72-hours.


Is citywide the average rating for all people in NYC? Or all public employees in NYC?

In either case, that’s pretty embarrassing.

Public employees. NYC’s citywide vacc levels are much better.

If covid is gonna start taking out mostly deplorable boomers and cops then I’m on team covid.

honestly I’m surprised how high the cops’ numbers are

I think a lot itt stayed home and had little exposure.


Only reason I had to have tests is my daughter caught it the first week she went back to school. Otherwise, never would have.

Never tested. Worked from home the whole time, didn’t really go out unless I had to.

This whole embarrassing disgrace shows how stupid the Democrat-supported “choice” movement was and is. Like yeah, we will give “choice” to people buying health insurance, as if they are equipped to handle it, same with 401k plans and a million other things.

People are fucking morons. They shouldn’t have a choice. Just mandate vaccination, period.

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Good, getting rid of indoor masks was a pointless self-own. Revisit in spring/summer 2022 once kids have been vaccinated en masse (assuming the latest mid winter timeline for kids is accurate)

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