COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Sam Houston, is that you? After all these years!

Nelly says Missouri is in the Midwest, end of discussion.

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might as well add in oklahoma

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Missouri used to be a bellwhether state before Republicans killed the unions. All the racist ex-union members got so mad about it they joined the Republican party.

The entire Rust Belt is like this.

To be fair Clinton democrats abandoned unions. Republicans were always hostile to unions, democrats betrayed unions.


“Learn to code” had so much potential!


Had dozens.
I had one PCR test on the morning of New Years Eve as we had one couple over for a visit. I had isolated since Christmas but as I had a sore throat, I wanted to make sure.
I think I had four or five antigen-test in pharmacies that were necessary to take part in public gatherings like city council meetings and such.
I must have had around twenty self-administered antigen tests as two of those were necessary per week to go to work before my second shot of Pfizer/ Biontech.

Have a feeling we’ll be seeing a tweet from this guys deathbed urging folks to wear masks and get vaccinated:

Collin Morikawa is from LA and went to Berkeley, so I think we finally have a non douche American.

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Not an entirely sure bet, he’s from La Canada, CA which is pretty conservative, especially for this area. But he went to La Canada High School, which is better than one of the several super-douchey private schools around here. People on my Nextdoor are very excited about him.

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From Worldometers data a year apart:

Cases per day
Year, Date , US , World
2020, July 23, 70665, 279075
2021, July 23, 68484, 523794

So the world is much worse than last year and the US is performing slightly better. I think it’s an interesting way to look at the data.

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But he plays golf.

Huntington Beach, everybody.

Basilico’s owner, Tony Roman, said in an email that he was fighting government policies he says are harmful.

“With warning signs of another impending lockdown, and many business owners again emboldening those who I refer to as ‘the lockdown tiny tyrants’ — this time by imposing proof-of-vaccination policies — we chose to fire another missile of defiance to further make our point in defense of American liberty and freedom,” he said.

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At least some of that has to be an improvement in identifying positives around the world.

Seems like a prime target for ADA trolling lawsuits. And in California to boot? He’s about to learn a very expensive lesson.

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The state Division of Occupational Health and Safety, known as Cal/OSHA, levied more than $152,000 in fines against the restaurant based on a series of violations, including failing to establish a COVID-19 prevention program, not providing safety training and not providing masks for employees, according to state records.

Roman has not appealed the citations. In a video posted to the restaurant’s Instagram in July, the owner made clear that he does not intend to pay the fines to the “American traitors at OSHA.”


Yeah, but ADA lawyers have a pretty big incentive to enforce their judgments. And unless this guy keeps all his money in a pillow…

Only 100% patriotic, red-blooded Americans are allowed to eat at [reads sign] Basillico’s pasta e vino.


What do you expect from a city that elected Tito Fucking Ortiz to its city council?