COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Ponied on the article and on the joke.


all of these so and so got covid despite being vaccinated arenā€™t helping us you media assholes


A lot of antivaxxers are overwhelmingly likely to not become seriously ill if they get covid, vaccine or not. Thatā€™s not a very convincing argument to a 30 year old guy who feels invincible.

Our daughter is 4.5. She was going to start preschool last year and we kept her out. Sheā€™s set to start next month. We are letting her go. I tried to find a vaccine trial to sign her up for but was too late to the game and couldnā€™t find any still signing kids up. I think thereā€™s a chance she already had covid. Her and our infant had a weeks long cold this spring. They both tested negative but my wife and I neither got the first symptom despite rolling in their snot and slobber for weeks. We were both already vaccinated for covid.


Iā€™m also surprised half here have never been tested. I was tested 3 times all before getting vaccinated. All of mine were of the swab brain matter nature and they all did both nostrils. Everyone always said, itā€™s not painful itā€™s just uncomfortable. Bullshit. Mine were extremely painful.

Those must be all the socialist states because of the bad outcomes.


It really is weird to look at this county-level map and hope that Ohio has some fortified walls on the borders of Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia.

In related news, I just sent a letter to my school board that will obviously be ignored, making the points that:

  • we are entitled to a free and appropriate public education that features a safe learning environment.
  • the Ohio Department of Health and the CDC both strongly recommend a combination of vaccinations and masking. For schools with large populations of unvaccinated students (primarily elementary and middle), we know they arenā€™t vaccinated, so we should be requiring them to be masked.

I also made the point that Iā€™ve lived here for 11 years and the district has been totally willing to enforce no-peanut (or other allergen) classrooms and cafeteria tables, and it never once occurred to me that I should protest this constraint on my childrenā€™s rights by arguing ā€œEveryone has a choice - your kid should be free to avoid peanuts while my kid should be free to eat them.ā€ Itā€™s especially irritating because I know for a fact that some of the families opposing COVID-related safety protocols are the same ones whose kids benefit from the allergen precautions.

Also, for anyone whoā€™s concerned about schooling and is willing to be vocal - you should know that thereā€™s a CDC order that school buses are considered public transportation in the context of requiring masks. So even if your district isnā€™t requiring masks in the building, they still have to require masks on buses.

This school thing is generating an insane level of stress here, and Iā€™m getting zero work done nowadays.


The only explanation I have is that Ohio already got rocked in an earlier wave or else cases are way underreported. It makes no sense how few cases we have given that we gave up even trying months ago.

Yeah, but so did Florida and it looks like every county there is red.



All the news organizations printed headlines that this idiot Clay Higgins has now gotten covid twice. Note, the first time he got it was in January ā€œbefore anyone knew what it wasā€ā€¦


ā€œThis is about our recovery. This is about what we need to do to bring back New York City. This is about keeping people safe,ā€ Mr. de Blasio, said during a news conference.

The new city policy will cover all 350,000 public workers, including teachers, police officers and office-based employees.

Californiaā€™s approximately 238,000 state employees must begin showing proof of vaccination beginning Aug. 2. Those who canā€™t verify they are fully vaccinated must wear masks in the office and be tested for Covid-19 weekly, state health officials said.

New slogan I can get behind: vaccinate the police!


This is good and all, but why would you fight an impending health crisis by enacting mandates 6 weeks from now?

The requirement ā€” which will cover roughly 300,000 city workers ā€” is set to take effect Sept. 13, the first day of the school year.


Ahh this helps explain the SEC expansion news.


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Not sure. It goes into effect for city hospital workers on August 2, for other city workers in congregate/residential settings on August 16, and for all others on September 13. Maybe the idea is to give people time to get two doses?

I am old enough to remember when Missouri was part of the Midwest and Texas was a nation unto itself.