COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

My beloved is also a physician and her hospital was mostly just doing just temperature checks at the hospital entrance and not full testing. Even the requirement to get scanned with a handheld thermometer created conflict with the usual union reps and difficult staff, so it would have totally blown up if they had tried mandatory invasive testing. The fact is that even modestly sized hospitals employ hundreds of people, and any group of hundreds of employees will include at least dozens of dumb ignorant asshole yambags. Thereā€™s no getting around it.


I have nothing to offer you but sincere sympathy and best wishes. What a shit show.

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Our answer is - we donā€™t know.

Itā€™s going to be a game time decision. Itā€™s going to be devastating to my daughter if she doesnā€™t get to go back to school in person.

Iā€™m hoping our numbers crank down a bit before the school year begins and our decision will be easier.

As it stands now, Iā€™m slightly leaning to sending her back but Iā€™m still not sure.


What about operation warp speed? Trump made the vaccine!

But Rumble has some other doctors putting videos up that says the vaccine causes Covid!

So Trump deserves credit for the vaccine, but we canā€™t take it because it causes Delta. Got it.


Not a real fan of the media protecting this particular ā€œsourceā€.

This guy dresses like this:

For a publicity photo.

Also hopefully I can hate the disinformation dozen and wish for their demise.

Sending her back to school. One year at home was enough (both for her and for us). Not confident in the decision, but think itā€™s the best of bad options at this point.


I was even hospitalized for 4 plus days during pandemic and they didnā€™t test me.

Doing the same


In some slightly positive news, vaccination rates in the US donā€™t seem to be declining any more. Rather they have leveled off at about 450k per day. CDC COVID Data Tracker


Our PM defending a member of his own party leading anti lockdown protests is a bit confusing but thatā€™s par for the course in Australia right now. At least weā€™ve surged up to a mighty 15% vaccinated! 38/38 OECD woo.

Looks like Montgomery County (where weā€™d be) tentatively plans on being masks required. This absolutely blows.

Pretty interesting to see the UK seemingly in a period of decline. Any guesses as to why?

These exponential rises can only last for so long.


Seems like delta burns through any remaining tinder really fast.


Itā€™s been mentioned that a lot of mild cases are not getting testing but thereā€™s not been any data on this yet to sort through, freedom day on 19th July has made people here feel more relaxed & weā€™re expecting a surge in 2/3 weeks.


Heā€™s got 100 problems now. Or none:


66%+ of adults are fully vaccinated, so thereā€™s that.

School holidays are keeping the little blighters away from each other.

But lockdown was only lifted 7 days ago, so itā€™s not certain it will continue to drop.

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