COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I was testing weekly when I was teaching during the spring semester, probably ended up being 8-10 times. Super painless - just walk into a large gymnasium, work up a bunch of saliva, and spit in a test tube.


Arenā€™t you an ER doctor? How were you never tested?

I was maybe going for one today but it was just a ear infection and a 1 day sore throat I had on Saturday, Phew!!


A friend of friend that works in medicine says the word is that vax is going to be available for 5-12 set pretty soon. Third hand info fwiw.


Nice, my 12 year old got his first short Saturday but would like to get the other two ASAP


Just got off phone with a coworker telling me about how one of our regional guys that I only see occasionally is now in hospital with covid, and he goes on to say that it seems serious and guy on phone is thinking he should get his shot lol, I told him yes please do


The Ohio Department of Health is going to announce their 2021-2022 guidance at 11am this morning. If they announce that masks will be optional in all schools, my wife has ~80-90% made up her mind to go to Maryland with our 11 year old, live with her parents for the school year, and enroll him in their public school.

So this is a very fun and not stressful time.


Yeah, same, minus the allergies that I donā€™t really have. I guess I felt sick once, with obvious cold symptoms that were distinct from covid (sore throat, sneezing, congestion, not much of a cough), and it was after having been vaccinated, so I didnā€™t bother getting a test. But I was 100% WFH, and until I was vaccinated I didnā€™t have much risk outside of a few moments masked indoors to get takeout and walking around outside. I wasnā€™t at risk, and I wasnā€™t a risk to anyone else outside of my immediate household. Worst case was always one of my girls bringing it home from daycare, and thus far it hasnā€™t. Vaccine approval for 2+ canā€™t come soon enough.

I suppose I am about to start traveling for work again, so that may involve some testing.


On the one hand, I want to believe. On the other, the earliest trial for kids under 12 was Pfizer, which was 2+, not 5+, so thereā€™s probably some reliability lost in the game of telephone. Also, September can reasonably be described as ā€œpretty soon,ā€ even if itā€™s not fucking soon enough.

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Maryland has already announced that theyā€™re optional.

Never been tested. Never left the house other than work. Up until last week no one in my office was covid positive.

Why would I get tested. I didnā€™t go anywhere or do anything.

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Yes, but sheā€™s leaning on the 70% or so vaccination rate there compared to 58% or so here.

Looks like no mandates here. Awesome.

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Ohio has gone completely YOLO, idk why cases arenā€™t skyrocketing here.


This is the craziest thing Iā€™ve ever heard! I definitely assumed medical professionals were getting routinely tested.


Ya my niece is a nurseā€™s aid and gets tested at least once per week for a long time now.

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medical personnel arenā€™t routinely tested, thatā€™s for athletes only.


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After the start of school is criminal.

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For people who have kids <12 but old enough to go to school, what are you planning on doing this fall, and how confident are you in that decision?