COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Lot going on in this article

Almost every public health official, local vaccine volunteer and physician in Alabama and Louisiana who spoke to POLITICO pointed to social media and the media as the main reason people in their neighborhoods are still holding out on the vaccine. It’s caused one nurse in rural Louisiana responsible for administering shot to think that the federal government concocted the vaccine so they could “flip a switch and turn everyone into zombies,” she said, asking to remain anonymous because her comments could get her in trouble at work.

With every passing day I have increasingly less sympathy for these idiots, part of me is finally relieved there is an issue where they actually have to suffer some fucking consequences for being the absolute worst people in the country. Fuck ‘em. That said, people like Tucker and Zuckerberg deserve the absolute worst fates imaginable.


And the zombie lady “eventually got the shot because of my work”!

ROFL this guy


GL man resp therapists have pretty much the shittiest job in this pandemic imo.

Here’s another article to read if you want to raise your blood pressure.


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An even bigger one.


This guy absolutely deserves to die

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It’s literally a death cult.

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Went dancing with Maxine for the second time yesterday morning (the one who likes Pf Chang’s), started to get mild flu-like symptoms late last night, persisted into today. Feeling better now than this morning, but still not great. Packs quite a wallop, got that Listerine effect of it stings, it must be working lol.


Just wondering:

Have you ever gotten a COVID test (for any reason)?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

When your entire life is devoted to claiming victimhood, literally dying on that hill is kind of inevitable.

Man I think I was tested like 10 times.

4x here. Once symptomatic while I was traveling for work, twice to hang out with friends, once for a work jobsite clearance (they required a negative COVID test within 30 days of the jobsite visit–complete idiocy).

I’m about to start traveling internationally for work again, which will require 1-2 tests per trip.

I’m stunned more than half here(who have voted) have never been tested. I think I’m at 5x here for a variety of reasons.


Aside from common allergies I never once felt sick during the entire pandemic. I also never really seen anyone inside so never felt the need to take a precautionary test.


That’s totally understandable. I think i had one for a medical procedure and two pre-vax to see my parents. Post-vax I have had two for travel.

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literally not once somehow