COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Reed’s the angle shooting putter right?

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Bryson de chambeau is a movie jock villain name.


No words.

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We had a PhD that we called Dr Science.

He told a tech turn up a hot plate because he wanted the open beaker of water “above 100’c”

He did not run an abiotic (no microbe) control to learn that his discovery of biodegradation of a compound was really just evaporation at elevated temperature.

He set up a pH controller to add both acid and base, but he set the two set points so close the pumps fought each other, used all the acid and base within an hour AND overflowed the fermenter. I saw it happen and just let it to teach him a lesson.

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Wait Rahm has Covid again?


Breakthrough case + reinfection? :thinking:

Probably a residual positive.

Dying to own the libs


Some idiot replied to a meme I posted on Facebook with this drivel:

If you don’t know what “Spike proteins circulating beyond the injection point was not part of the plan” means. You should probably study before taking a position.

Is this the antivaxxers new thing? Wtf are they talking about?

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Also none of the doctors or nurses were among the 10 people hung in Nuremburg. Mengele died in 1971 from a stroke.

This is when you just hit the laugh react and reply “lol”. These idiots deserve to be mercilessly laughed at at every opportunity.


I asked him if he had a 2 hour YouTube link he could give me.

ETA: he said:

Censored by YouTube. Search on Rumble.

These fucking people are dolts.


32yo cystic fibrosis patient, fully vaccinated, but immune compromised due to double lung transplant ~18months ago. I withdrew care on her yesterday. She got to breath freely for a whole year and a half before covid wrecked her new lungs. Oh and it was her brother that gave her covid. He told the family he was vaccinated so he could come to a 4th of July bbq. No idea if he was telling the truth about being vaxxed.

My hospital is getting absolutely wrecked yet again. Every hospital in the area is trying to divert patients, but there is nowhere to divert to. My ICUs are full, all elective surgeries are canceled, and the ER is a boarding house for covids on high flow O2 and bipap. There isn’t any room in the hospital to put them.


You’re still in Western Washington, right?

Didn’t know numbers were that bad here. Thanks for the update.


Damn, I’m so sorry that you have had to deal with this shit for so long when we should be free and clear by now.


Yep still in WA. Our MICU went from a normal but unseasonably busy ICU with a couple covid patients two weeks ago to a covid ICU. We literally moved the last general medical patient out yesterday and filled that room with another covid.

On the bright side I literally did ONE NEAT TRICK with a ventilator to improve a patients O2 so much the intensivist now hopes we can wean that patient without traching him. Of course he is an anti vaccine moron.


Are all of the covid patients in your hospital unvaxxed?

All but the one I mentioned above. At least of the ones who get to the icu.


Thanks for keeping us posted. You and the other medical workers on here are a huge help in reporting the situation on the ground.