COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

never had a rapid or PCR test, did get an antibody test in … july 2020? during my normal annual physical. my whole family had traveled to manhattan for thanksgiving 2019 and we came back with flu-like symptoms, there were rumors around that time that covid was already circulating in NYC that early, so I figured might as well check it out (I had continued traveling until mid-March 2020, including 3 additional trips to manhattan).

test was negative (my wife also had the antibody test and was also negative).

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oh, and FU, Phil.

Worked for this guy for a time in Nashville. Giant throbbing asshole


Looks like mask rec will be only for parents with young kids and those living with immunocompromised.

So basically no change except I guess parents out with kids might have to mask up depending how businesses react as that is the one case that is quasi-indentifiable.

The only people who are going to be wearing masks are the vaccinated, the same as it has been for months now.


We need to move towards covid hospitals run by the National Guard and force vaccines for healthcare employees so that hospitals aren’t disrupted. Accept that variants will continue to run wild. Move to a blue state or better yet, a country that doesn’t suck.

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Me, hopelessly naive: This will convince my school board to require masks!

I’m basically Charlie Brown football at this point.


Playing poker in Vegas and noticed a gal wearing a mask 2 nights ago and same gal last night unmasked. Not sure the logic in sometimes wearing it.

Probably she just saw a bunch of people not wearing masks and decided to stop wearing a mask. Social behavior is more powerful than reason.


Maybe you caught her at the point where she decided to stop wearing it. That point has come or will come for all of us, won’t it? Although, I will admit that I went several days without my mask at the grocery store when I was fully vaccinated and cases had come down. Now I’ve gone back to wearing it in most public places because of the spike.

Aren’t they saying the following?
Unvaccinated people should continue to mask, consistent with our prior guidance. Now, we’re revising our guidance for vaccinated people to say that vaccinated people should also mask in certain situations:

  • When those vaccinated people live with vulnerable people
  • When those vaccinated people live in high-transmission areas

Yes, I think the CDC has been saying since November that although the primary benefit of masks is to prevent an infected wearer from spreading the disease, masks also protect the wearer from becoming infected.

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Not shocked that Florida is beet red on that map above. Went there for vacation and COVID was over. Saw like one person wearing a mask. I figure the vaccines work great, though, since nobody in my family has gotten sick and we were packed into elevators every day at the condo complex.

Since we’re sharing, I’ve been tested three times, but all because I was my kid’s chaperone on a TV show set and we both had to get tested in order for him to work. Fortunately, it wasn’t the brain poker.


My kids start school next week (and orientations are this week) in Georgia. Should be interesting to see if our school board - whose president is clearly MAGA and wrote to us that CRT will never be taught in our schools (no shit) - decide to go with the CDC guidance. Right now, masks are optional.

I’ve been selfishly hoping that the CDC would change the requirement that all travelers entering the United States show a negative COVID test before I travel to Europe. It’s an order from January that hasn’t been updated since vaccination has become a thing. I guess I’m going to have to figure out how to get a COVID test in Barcelona. Any tips from those that have flown back to the US with this COVID test requirement? It seems like an at-home test isn’t good enough and that I’d have to telehealth someone to verify the result.

New evidence found that the levels of virus found in breakthrough cases among the vaccinated people are similar to those found in unvaccinated individuals who contract coronavirus, raising concerns that vaccinated individuals may be able to spread the virus, the official said.

A separate health official said that, based on the latest data, officials believe vaccinated people only represent a small amount of coronavirus transmission and the overwhelming majority of spread is still by unvaccinated people. But they know breakthrough cases can happen and emerging data suggests some vaccinated people can spread it, which is the driving factor behind Tuesday’s decision, as they continue to study it.

Versions of the virus that dominated in the past generally did not appear to be transmitted by people who had been fully vaccinated.

This explains a lot about the case explosions in places like Israel.

Never been tested. Visited San Francisco for a busy conference and comedy night/dinner in late February 2020 and got horrendously sick (respritorially) shortly after. Many Covid symptoms but it was before we really knew a lot about what was going on. Came out of it about 4 days later. Could have been Covid. Could have been bad flu.

Too bad he is, I assume, absolutely horrible st anything climate-related. Per e.g. Australia Isn't Doing Enough to Address Climate Change | Opinion

Closing in on 90%+ vaccination rate for everyone 18+ in my 200k pop Norwegian city. Only first jab (though rate for 2nd jab is almost identical for older age groups).

Americans possibly welcome!

