COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

After almost a month of single digit new cases in Vermont from early June to early July, we now have had three straight days over 20.

Not good. And this is in a state where 84% is vaccinated. Thankfully ICU numbers haven’t budged (only 1 as of right now).

Honestly I don’t know how it is going to get contained there. What they’re doing now doesn’t seem to be working and there is not the political will to go harder.

I’m not sure Sydneysiders grasp how arrogant they look to the rest of the country right now. I had to read this absolute dogshit, so now you do too:

You see, what looks to the rest of us like hubris and an inability to make tough choices and do what needs to be done actually reflects the indomitable spirit of Sydney. People there know what it is to really live your life, as opposed to the easily-cowed inhabitants of the other states.

Imagine writing that in the current moment. Incredible tone-deafness.


Ugh. That article.

  • people cant afford to stay home
  • okay. Lets pay them to.
  • no. Thats socialisms?
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This makes me feel bad.

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Sounds like Aussie now going through about June, 2020 in the US.

Yeah there are protestors clashing with police on the streets of Sydney now - up to 15,000 people out by some estimates. Thousands in any case.

I don’t know how this is going to end. Sydney are nowhere near suppressing the outbreak and people are already getting antsy.

I read somewhere that in 1918 Australia did a good job keeping the virus out for a year, then got hit hard. Of course there was no vaccine then.

Police say there were 3,500 people there. They’ve charged 57 people so far and established a strike force to identify other people who were there. The protest was illegal.

That’s my issue. I can’t raise any sympathy for people who actively pushed an anti vax agenda on others and then got real sick. That’s a big difference from someone just making a personal choice.

This guy was pushing the vaccine causing death but didn’t mention the Covid risk of death was significantly greater. Ooops.

Telling people the vax kills people while Covid does nothing is the epitome of dangerous information. It’s not true and he likely knew it was not true.

I have done a lot of work in a lower income minority community and my anecdotal experience is those have not been a huge barrier to actually getting a vaccination.

This is more of my experience.

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Meet Greg


Greg is a selfish ignorant twat.

Greg has tickets to the Ministry of Sound at the end of September, but he hasn’t had a vaccination and doesn’t plan to get one.

“I will not be having it through personal choice,” the 29-year-old tells Newsbeat.

“I live an active lifestyle, I’m in the gym four or five times a week, my cardio is good so I feel I don’t need to have this vaccine.”

Greg also feels the people close to him are protected, with the majority of his close family and friends having had the vaccine.

But while he doesn’t plan to get vaccinated, Greg wouldn’t discourage others from getting jabbed.

“I have made clear this is a personal choice, it is against my civil liberties and freedom.”

“If I don’t get let in I don’t know what I will do, I’ll be complaining more and more.”

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Narrator: Following a long battle with COVID-19 Greg passed away on September 1st. Angry until the end, he was unable to comprehend why having the vaccine when his body was already in the grips of the disease would be futile.

I think for all these people who insist they are so young and healthy and vibrant that they can’t be harmed by the disease, we should just have people with covid cough on them. They have nothing to worry about, and it will help attain herd immunity. It’s win-win!

I think one way people could adress this is by agreeing, that they most likely will not have severe consequences from being infected OR getting the vaccine, but the vaccine offers the benefit of not having to quarantine.
Ask the Gregs of the world whether they liked the lockdown so much, that they want an individual extension. If you cannot convince them by appealing to their solidarity with others, appeal to their selfishness.


4 Covid+ cases in my mid-sized suburban hospital on my 12 hour ER shift last night.

All were older, (50+), all were unvaccinated. 3 went home, an 82 year old got admitted because he required 35L high flow oxygen. He’s 82 and doesn’t speak much English (Spanish), for what that’s worth.

Definitely the most I can recall in one shift since at least the winter holidays.


I’m just very careful about what I put into my body. Says man clearly high on dodgy pills.

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Same here.

Looks like 23% of people in the Czech Republic are not planning to get vaccinated. Was wishful thinking that we’d be more in line with Malta in which almost 90% of the population has at least one shot.

Perfect! We now have a name for male Karen!

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Clearly my brain still needs some time to adapt. I played 4 hours of PLO yesterday without a mask but then wore my mask to get groceries on the way home! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: