COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I still can’t wrap my brain around

WNBA at like 99%. Most men’s sports struggling to get 75%.

Wifey and I were going to go to Vegas in November. Nope

Going to Yellowstone instead.

Hot take warning:

Men are pretty dumb


At least I got to Red Rocks before the shit show starts up again. I have tickets for a dozen or more shows coming up through December. Wonder what will go down.

Just give it a few months.

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I’m particularly fascinated by variation within the same league.

“Though all 32 teams now have at least 50% of their players vaccinated, two teams — the Washington Football Team and the Indianapolis Colts — only reached that benchmark in the last week, according to the Associated Press.
By contrast, the Miami Dolphins and New Orleans Saints were the first two teams to hit an 85% threshold and did so by mid-June.”

Is it the influence of one or two vocal players? Did coaches/management do something to tip the scales? And, specifically a team from Florida being highly vaxxed while the one in DC is bringing up the rear seems the opposite of what I would expect given the way Covid was treated in the surrounding communities.

Is FL still doing weekly reporting?

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I know somebody posted looking for N95s recently, this is a pretty good deal for a pack of 100 from Costco:

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Nah fuck them. They knew the risks but they were so focused on owning the libs they made this pandemic so much worse. Fuck them.

Like my wifey went to buy a car from her brother. In the middle of the pandemic. He said he had a moral issue with wearing a mask.

Ok dude. Fuck off.

I think it just shows how much compliance depends on social networks and peer pressure. Humans are inherently biased to “go with the crowd”.


I haven’t looked, but if there is a geographic correlation, maybe it would be more with where the players are from rather than where the team is located.

Let’s see how we’re doing:


Ok I definitely feel bad now. Dude’s tweets were pretty reasonable other than his anti-vaxx stance. All my anger is now directed at fuckheads spreading anti-vaxx BS for profit - who half of them are probably vaxxed in secret.


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So now that we’re a year and a half into this, do you take the pandemic from Contagion (with the same societal and government response as the movie) or COVID-19?

No, they posted 12,xxx yesterday.

Yeah he was on the conservative side. Obviously he never passes the unstuck purity test. But he had other posts denouncing police brutality. He seemed like a real human. Probably just unduly influenced by his psycho church pastor who has 700k followers:

Contagion was 25% IFR.

covid-19 and it isn’t remotely close. We didn’t get anywhere close to burying the dead in mass graves with backhoes. The movie had 2.5 million dead in the US, with the virus striking down young and old alike with a 20% ifr. 900,000 dead concentrated mostly among the elderly just is a totally different thing.
