COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I’m not sure how to ask this, but roughly when was the last time a meaningful improvement was found for treating Covid? A year ago or more?

Trump also getting the vaccine in private was huge. I was around a virulent anti-vaxxer a while back before covid. She was 100% sure none of the “elites” vaccinated their kids, and there was zero chance of talking her out of it.

I’ve been hearing all kinds of good news in the literature about antibody treatments but idk how well that translates into stuff that’s actually used in the hospitals. It’s clear outcomes are way better now than at the start of the pandemic.

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I think what the average Joe took away is that Real Men that are Tough can just beat Covid with bluster and ignorance.

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Did Trump get vaccinated? He sure got rocked by the virus. They had to pump him full of experimental antibody treatments and it sounds like he barely made it through.

Says they both got at least one dose in January before the inaguration.

I almost added a line about treatments that could be widely implemented, as that’s what I’m more interested in. Someone in my local health department facebook comments section was talking about better treatments lowering the death rate this year and as far as I can remember the options are generally not any better now than they were over the winter. In other words death rates will be lower but not because of better treatments now compared to the fall / winter wave.

Yea I’m gonna have to stop you right there…


This is one of the most obnoxiously stupid people I have the displeasure of knowing. I’ve posted a lot about him over the past 2 years. I’m done censoring his name out though. Fuck these people so much. I will not shed a single tear if he dies from covid, and the world will be an objectively better place after hes gone.

Fully ok with aggressive antivax assholes dying. Admittedly would not laugh in their face if forced to personally watch them die, but zero sympathy. That does not mean I can’t also hate Tucker Carlson even more, and I would gladly laugh in his face while watching him die (for any reason).


We need to move from being ok with antiva deaths to aggressively dancing on their graves. People need to know that they will be mocked and their families embarrassed.

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Damn son, you thought a weeks long slow death on a ventilator was bad, just wait until you get mocked by anonymous internet user not Bruce z. You know it stings!


The biggest antivaxer I know is fine with masks for some reason.

Probably thinks that masks are needed to protect All Natural people from people that have been vaccinated. This is a common fantasy in anti vaxx circles now.

The CO2 poisoning tho!

No this applied 6 months ago as well.

CO2 poisoning is bad, but the delta variant that was caused by the vaccine is even worse, and its only spread by The Vaccinated. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!

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CoronaVirus looms large over the stadium during the Olympic opening ceremony.


1.3%, or twice that of Alpha, apparently

PHE warns of higher risk of Delta variant reinfection

As coronavirus cases continue to rise across the UK, Public Health England is warning that there is an increased risk of becoming reinfected with the Delta variant first identified in India if you have had Covid before.

It says 897 cases out of 68,688 Delta infections recorded in an 11-week period from April to June were possible reinfections.

PHE said that further work is now being undertaken to examine the risk of reinfection.


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