COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

So the city in Japan where I live began vaccinations this week. The schedule calls for the elderly to be vaccinated first, and vaccinations of the general population to begin in…November!

Given that the entire city population is about 80,000, I’m really hoping this is just an ultra-conservative estimate.

The other thing I’m hoping for is that they are going to allow non-olds to come in first-come-first-serve on days when there are leftovers. As a self-employed person with complete freedom of schedule, I’m hoping I can monitor these openings and swoop in to score one sooner rather than later.


I thought they were better in snow than Texans but I guess not. What a bunch of snowflakes.

Hey, they’ve got a forecast of 4-8. That’s a huge deal.

Oh, centimeters? Never mind.

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Hey bitches. I got my 2nd shot on April 7th. Which means I’m free and clear today. Want to make my 1st restaurant a good one. Thinking of

What you think?

Fuck you. I’m going there anyway. Being vaccinated is awesome!


What kills me is that I want to do the same thing tomorrow for my day but everything is still closed here.

So if I want to go to TESCO, I guess it won’t be so bad.

Active cases in the Czech Republic have gone down by over 60% in the last month. The data is on a week long delay. So it might be a bit more than that.

To celebrate the decline, we’ll be opening stores at latest May 3rd.

GPs are getting J&J vaccines starting tomorrow. Looking like we’re gonna get more vaccinated people.


Meh, I apply anti-vaxxer logic to this one. “Most of those people would have gotten herpes anyway!”


I wouldn’t say that Canada is particularly good at “distributing health care”. Our system is notorious for long wait times for services, even in the absence of a once in a century health crisis. What Canada is good at is making health care available to almost everybody, and maintaining “reasonable” costs by taking the profit motive out or most services. But the system does suffer from all kinds of inefficiencies and can have an unpleasant public sector “flavor” - going to the doctor can be like going to the post office or DMV, lol. But the median Canadian would grudgingly acknowledge that the permanent frustrations of the system are a worthwhile price to pay for universality, and just go ahead and complain about every minute of every day.

Had a pretty good bout of chills last night and today feeling a bit stiff and bleh. Come on antibodies!


Try two tylenol. I was surprised at how much better I felt, and pretty quickly.

Lol, I’m old enough that this is almost a daily routine for me

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Where are you in the COVID vaccine timeline?
  • Over 2 weeks since second shot.
  • Got second shot less than 2 weeks ago.
  • In between first and second shot.
  • Have appointment for first shot (April)
  • Have appointment for first shot (May)
  • Eligible, but unable to find appointment.
  • Still waiting to be declared eligible

0 voters

Which vaccine did you get?
  • Pfizer/BioNTech
  • Moderna
  • Janssen/JNJ
  • Oxford/AstraZeneca
  • Other
  • Still waiting for mine

0 voters



Remember being so confused as to why India wasn’t having problems. Still wondering why that first wave didn’t take off

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Are they taking advice from Doug Ford?

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Yeah me too - I posted here early last year that I thought India would suffer more than most and was happy to be wrong last autumn…but now this.

However, the official death rate seems to be very low - eg the UK (with 1/20 the population) was getting 1500 deaths/day at the peak vs India’s 1200 now - possibly because younger people are making up more of the infected.

The actual death rate is probably much higher.

The country has descended into a tragedy of unprecedented proportions. Almost 1.6 million cases have been registered in a week, bringing total cases to more than 15 million. In the space of just 12 days, the Covid positivity rate doubled to 17%, while in Delhi it hit 30%. Hospitals across the country have filled to capacity but this time it is predominately the young taking up the beds; in Delhi, 65% of cases are under 40 years old.

Holy exponential growth, Batman.

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Have they at least taken measures (lockdown) now?

For clarity, I wasn’t saying that the US generally does so much better at heathcare delivery. My point was that a country can decide that everyone deserves healthcare, but its still a logistical challenge to deliver it. Single payer HC outperforms the US “system” on just about every metric, but people ought not to delude themselves that delivering universal HC to an aging population becomes easy if you slam the single payer button.

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US numbers appear to be ticking back down? 60k yesterday vs. like 78k last Tuesday? Seems to be generally correlating to my locality which saw an uptick during March that has leveled out over the last week or two…really hoping to fade one more huge explosion, but am probably just a silly goose.