COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun



This feels like violence against me.


Snagged an appointment at Walmart Friday evening. I didn’t think I would be this giddy about it, but here we are.


Couple folks set up a table outside of the local mass vaccination site offering “Joints for Jabs.” Show 'em your card and they give you a pre rolled J.


I’m officially jabbed.


Seems like the poll tomorrow is going show some pretty good gains from the one in the OP.


We will need an hourly proof of life post to make sure you didn’t get one of those clots.


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I expect to be dead by nightfall. That or working for Microsoft.


A friend of mine in Florida just got Covid. He never really seemed to take it too seriously. Was regularly going out drinking and was in Florida. Did I mention he lived in Florida?

Nothing would have done my head in more then getting it a year into it with the vaccination becoming widely available.

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Legit lol. Well played sir.

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A colleague of mine was scheduled for the vaccine at the end of last week. The weekend before, just a few days before her appointment, her boyfriend starts feeling ill. A couple days later so does she. Yup, COVID literally days before getting the vaccine. Apparently he got it from his family on Easter. Nice.


For your specific circumstances I would wait for a different vax given you still have ties to the US, AZ approval sort of up in the air here, and unclear how our patchwork vaccine passport type system is going to come together and how a non approved vaccine will fit in.

If community spread or you were going to change your risk profile would have a different answer, and I have a non standard view for this board on his vaccine passes may play out so YMMV

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This one is no brainer IMO. Always take the first one you can get. Imagine if you got sick in the next month then spread to your family! There is essentially no difference between the three vaccines.

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Our premier just announced India has stopped further shipments of AZ and moderna shipments will be cut in half for rest of month.

I would strongly recommend getting any vaccine you can!

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The zoster study is fucking infuriating. It’s another awful study out of Israel (the variant “breaking through” one was awful too). They basically decided to watch people with various immunological disorders for various issues compared to “a control”. The control gets scare quotation marks because it’s 99 healthy people who got a covid vaccine compared to ~500 people with immune disorders which is in no way a fucking control.

Zoster reactivation is more common in those with, wait for it, people with immune disorders.

They also didn’t look for zoster specifically to start with, they just looked for issues.

They may be on to something here, but the methods are fucking awful.


In your situation I’d vote to wait about one wk for Pfizer/Moderna.

That’s only because you can be trusted to minimize your exposure risk far better than the average person, or even the average unstucker.

For 99% of other humans, one week wait would be too long.

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I thought Canada was good at distributing health services; at least better than USA#1. Welp.

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The US has actually been doing a pretty damn good job at distributing vaccinations. I think I can even get mine now and am going to try and make an appointment this week

Received my second Pfizer shot 6 hours ago. Was in and out within 20minutes and I waited the entire 15 minutes after the shot. No one ahead of me when I got there and only saw one person after me getting a shot.