COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

There’s no way this happens if he’s not forced out. Overconfident Ignorance is more or less his whole personality. Psychologically I can’t see him admitting that running government is actually hard sometimes and he wasn’t up to it. He’ll go to his grave swearing that Nanny State Red Tape is the reason his policy failed.

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Mike Harris was not as stupid as Doug Ford.

Hearted mostly because I know the pain of trying to find English equivalent articles for foreign language news. Makes it hard to form a discussion.

Anyway, I’m reading things are getting rough in Germany now with the R above 1.

The US state department is to advise Americans to avoid 80% of countries worldwide because of the coronavirus pandemic.

In a note to the media about its updated travel guidance, it said the pandemic continued to “pose unprecedented risks to travellers”.

The current US “Do Not Travel” advisory covers 34 out of 200 countries.

Covid-19 has now claimed more than three million lives worldwide - more than half a million of them in the US.

Only three places at the world are assessed at the lowest of the state department’s four risk levels - “Exercise normal precautions”. They are Macau, Taiwan and New Zealand.

Even Antarctica is at level two - “Exercise increased caution” - while the UK is at level three - “Reconsider travel” - with an extra warning to exercise caution because of the risk of terrorism.

The CDC currently recommends all Americans refrain from travelling domestically until they have been fully vaccinated and warns that international travel “poses additional risks” even for those vaccinated.

You mean like this?


Should’ve done ranked choice voting

“Everybody told me that I should not announce this,” Nugent says in the video. “I have had flu symptoms for the last 10 days. I thought I was dying – just a clusterf*ck.”

“I was tested positive today, I got the Chinese shit,” Nugent added. “I’ve got a stuffed-up head, body aches. My God, what a pain in the ass. I literally could hardly crawl out of bed the last few days… So I was officially tested positive for COVID-19 today.”



He lived. Proof #1,654,321 god is a myth.


The “nobody knows what’s in it” line tilts me every time.


Perhaps he should consider himself lucky for dodging the first eighteen Covids.


I think you mean the first 18 Chinese flus.

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Looks like vaccinations peaked on April 13:


Did anything noteworthy happen on April 13?

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Jesus Christ now CNN is hot and bothered because there was some mix up at one plant that made j&j. None of it ended up in circulation.


Seems like the data are too noisy for any meaningful conclusions.

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Napkin math:

  • 2.1 million vaccinations prevented since April 13.
  • 462k new cases since April 13.
  • Approx 220M (~= 210M) unvaccinated in US.
  • 4620 new COVID cases attributable to vaccine ban.
  • 33 killed at 0.7% CFR (based on current 7DMA of 500/day divided by eyeballed 70k cases for the past two months).
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What really bothers me is the clearly unequal distribution of vaccines to Slavic and Baltic EU member states.

Part of it is related to there only being one vaccine manufacturing plant in Europe east of the Berlin Wall. But it’s really based on money and vaccine nationalism.

Why didn’t he claim he had cat scratch fever? He really is dumb.


What’s weird is they actually mixed astra Zeneca components in with J&J. Which to me is insane that one facility would be producing both. The federal government then kicked Az out so only J&J could use it, but then shut ig down anyways.

Like you said though nothing got out and this is the exact same story as the facility that threw away millions of doses. Just a little new information came out. Treating it like a new story is pretty horrible mediaing.

Just so people know, none of the J&J vaccines used in the US came from the US. They were all made in the Netherlands, so far.

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I do like “High Enough” by Damn Yankees, though.