COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Pretty absurd how long that outage is lasting.

Took a nap. Arm is a little bit sore after the second shot, but not as sore as it was after the same amount of time had lapsed after the first shot.


I think you are in Edmonton right? That is where I am right now too. Well Spruce Grove. I just called Shoppers and they hooked me up. No online nonsense.

nah Iā€™m in Thunder Bay, Ontario and I havenā€™t heard of anyone here actually successfully book an appointment today. :(

Oh that sucks. Sorry

I am sad that you canā€™t get a vax, but you should take some consolation that Thunder Bay sounds like a super badass place to live.


Itā€™s famous for a podcast series about how racist it is and why it has the highest homicide and hate crime rates in Canada!

Iā€™m in Alberta which isnā€™t much better!

Iā€™m gonna go ahead and assume it isnā€™t some racist hellhole and keep imagining it as a World of Warcraft town.


5.5 homicides per 100k.

Thatā€™s cute.


Fun fact: Thunder Bay came very close to not being called Thunder Bay. In a referendum, Thunder Bay beat out Lakehead, 15,870-15,302, with the third place candidateā€“ā€œThe Lakeheadā€ā€“getting 8,377.


Thatā€™s like a homicidal wasteland by Canadian standards. :rofl:

In thunder bay

People here are still annoyed about that vote 50 years later. :rofl:

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Lakehead Wobegon

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Do people from Oliver Paipoonge say they are from Oliver Paipoonge, or do they just say Thunder Bay?

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever heard anyone say they are from Oliver Paipoonge. They say Thunder Bay if speaking to someone not from Thunder Bay. If they are speaking to someone from Thunder Bay they would probably say the name of one of the little towns/areas within the township of Oliver Paipoonge.

I have never actually been to the sleeping giant. I should probably do that one day.

There is a little bit of a snob thing between Port Artur and Fort William but not much of a thing. In my opinion Port Arthur is generally the nicer area.

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Always been a big fan of Oliver Platt. Didnā€™t know he owns part of Canada.

For example, someone on Twitter was posting anti vax nonsense and talking about how they yoloing etc etc.

Someone responded with ā€œI hope you get sick and sie.ā€ While I might not have been so blatantly transparent, I donā€™t really disagree with the sentiment. Immediately a bunch of right wing moral outrages jumped on them telling them his awful they are.

Iā€™m just saying itā€™s okay to be okay with bad people whose actions harm others without continuing on. If, in theee cases, it can be caused by Covid without harming anyone else, all the better.

All that really needs to be said to anyone with common sense is that however much we donā€™t know about the long term effects of the vaccine, we know even less about long term effects of covid. Problem is, anti vaxxers donā€™t have common sense

The really sad part (in my eyes) is that these morons will just benefit from most everyone else doing the right thing and getting vaccinated. But wishing someone get sick and die is not only immature, itā€™s ignorant. Iā€™ve been saying for over a year (against the backlash of the panicked majority on here) that the actual chances of any random person actually dying from covid is acceptably low imo. My only concern was for the elderly and frail. It was dysfunctional leadership in the beginning combined with a hyperbolic media that turned a pandemic into a political war