COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

You have to do it like a drug dealer in an 80s action movie, making sure the shit it legit before you hand over your cash.

I’m sure you got the real vaccine, but you’d be surprised how many people had “reactions” to the control in these vaccine studies (although iirc some weren’t saline)

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Booked for jab at 11:50 tomorrow. So pumped!


Apparently Alberta has 170,000 unused AZ doses and the huge vaccine centres we setup in both major cities can do 6,000/day but haven’t reached 1,000 yet because people are not registering.

I hate humanity sometimes!

They need to start teaching probability and statistics in school!

and how to avoid unnecessary use of exclamation marks.

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Innerhalb einer Woche sind weltweit so viele neue Coronainfektionen gemeldet worden wie nie zuvor. Es waren 5,2 Millionen neue FĂ€lle, der achte wöchentliche Anstieg in Folge, sagte der Chef der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Die Zahl der gemeldeten TodesfĂ€lle stieg auf Wochenbasis zum fĂŒnften Mal in Folge. “Es hat neun Monate gedauert, bis wir eine Million Tote erreicht haben, vier Monate, bis es zwei Millionen waren und drei Monate, bis es drei Millionen waren”, sagte Tedros. Die Experten seien besonders besorgt ĂŒber den Anstieg von Corona-Infektionen und Krankenhauseinweisungen unter 25- bis 59-JĂ€hrigen.

More infections within one week than ever before. It took 9 month for 1mil people to die, it took 4 month to reach 2 mil and it took 3 month to reach 3 mil. Experts worried about the rise of infections and hospitalizations among the 25 to 59 year old population.

4,339 new COVID cases in New York state yesterday. It hasn’t been that low since mid-November.


The fuck is going on in Michigan? Cases skyrocketing.


Kind of tired of people being outraged that one would be perfectly fine if some of these people die to their own horrible actions.

Why would I be upset a person like that died? Yet I keep hearing about it from the right wing anti vax outrage machine.

Anyone asking “How could that happen” are not aware of the modern day realities of pharmacies and pharmacists.

I suspect this has happened more than a few times. These people should feel lucky they caught it.

I am most interested in why lovely actress Sarah Wynter was such a big part of that article.

I was always running 125-130/85+. It eventually creeped up when I went on lisinipril.

Now mostly ok. But if I get stressed, intake something salty it can really climb. A banana or other rich potassium food does wonders as does a hot shower/bath and relaxation.

If I feel it I sometimes take an extra pill. I’m on the lowest dose.

You’d be surprise how high some people’s bp Dan get.

My blood pressure was insanely high for like ten years. It has only been the last year that it has been under control. Even with extended hospital stays my blood pressure would not get down to normal just less horrible.

Anyways the first time I went to a cardiologist was after being hospitalized for serious pneumonia. I went in to the office and the nurse took my blood pressure. She turned white as a ghost and then started freaking out telling me “You are going to have a stroke, you are going to have a stroke.” This didn’t have the calming effect on me she might have thought.

She quickly left the room and a few minutes later the doctor came in. He seemed non plus, we talked about it and hhe said she over reacted. For me my blood pressure was was about where it had been at the time. For me If I could get my bp DOWN to 160 over 115 I felt pretty good about it. But it was not uncommon to hit 180 plus or even flirt with 200/140ish

I am on a crap ton of blood pressure medication which has some pretty significant side effects but my bp has been good for the last 12-18 months. When my blood pressure was so high my resting pulse rate was also crazy high

Anyways obviously take care of it and take your meds if.

Not sure what you are saying here.

Nearly identical to how I feel about a lot of my older family members. Their brains are total soup because of right-wing media.

Haven’t heard. I’ll report back.

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A drummer friend of hubby’s is one of the dumbest people I know. Once got into an hour-long heated argument about 4th grade arithmetic involving money, confident despite being wrong. Has been gigging at shitty indoor bars during the pandemic and there are pics of him wearing his mask as a chin-diaper in said bars. Posted that “the mind is stronger than the virus”. Much manly very wow. Had an opportunity to get the vaccine a while ago, but opted not to because “if everyone else gets it then I won’t need to”. Recently caught covid and it knocked him on his ass for a week. No hospitalization, which is lucky for him considering how unhealthy he is in general.


Nice. I submitted a vaccine request with Shoppers Drug Mart. Now I just have to wait for vaccine appointments to be available.

I am going to submit a request at the closest Safeway pharmacy as well once they update their website to include 40+ year olds.

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I tried registering with Shoppers, but the Rogers outage is keeping me from getting the verification code I need to complete it :rage: