COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I didn’t mean vaccines for long haulers, but rather for active infection.

Jesus Christ.

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Were any of the prior variants ever shown to be more deadly after infection, rather than just being more easily transmutable?

Following the PM’s announcement on Monday the 19th of July 2021 I feel honour bound to make an announcement of my own: I wish to say that I will not perform on any stage where there is a discriminated audience present. Unless there is provision made for all people to attend, I reserve the right to cancel the show.

Quite the change from his stance on audience discrimination in the 70s.

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Lol Eric Clapton. Fuck off you tired old man.


Is that true? I thought the difference was infectiousness.

Eric Clapton started seeing his current wife when he was 53 and she was 22.

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thanks for that, they put it much better than me


There was a documentary on him on Sky here a few nights ago. His childhood was pretty standard fucked up racist stuff. Teenage mother abandoned him at a young age; brought up by gran believing her to be his mum, mother re-established contact then rejected him again. Eric got uncontrollably angry and became a heroin addict racist, then an alcoholic racist. Somewhere between the two addiction phases he became infatuated with his best friend’s wife and stole her from him, and then having won her he became bored with her and impregnated another woman.

If you put the characters in a trailer park people would look down on them and say “yeah, typical”. But because he’s middle class and a talented musician people are more understanding.


I’ll leave this to the Docs to weigh in. I’ve seen statements but what kind of data is behind that….

“i have a joke about Eric Clapton but it’s overrated and pretty racist,” tweeted another.


Higher morbidity in terms of more young people sick.

Obviously the full equation is infectivity x severity and an increase in either is more disease.

I have no clue which, just the observations being made that hospitals are filling up with “younger” folks having serious cases.

I don’t suppose there are any studies yet comparing delta vs beta for full vaccinated young people, or unvaccinated young people.

Agree. Any statements should be taken with a grain of salt. It makes sense that better infectivity may correlate with higher titers inside the patient and stronger consequences of infection.

Some solid data on hospitalization rate and CFR for delta in young healthy vaccinated people would be nice.

I went straight from leaving my house once a month for groceries to sitting at a poker table for 50 hours/week listening to dumbfucks talk about how they aren’t getting the vaccine because they have a strong immune system. One of which just died of COVID at 44.

Pretty sure I’m fine with the risks at this point, but I’d feel better if we had more delta data. If I spawn the vaccine evading superCOVID, sorry guys.

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Maybe the police will abolish themselves…


If you’re like 70+ years old getting the vaccine seems like an easy yes even if it has a microchip.