COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I’ll take any excuse to post this


I went to him with my GF in the 90s. Can’t believe all the music he stole from people he hates.

Van Morrison, now no longer even the most famous British COVID dumbass musician. Sad!


August 7. Finally got my date with The Jab. Her name is Moderna. Hope we hit if off.


He’s Irish.


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Most of Ireland isn’t part of the UK.(I think)

ETA: Van Morrison is from Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK. I think.

I checked. He’s from Northern Ireland. Get off my back, man!


I’m not sure it’s that binary. It’s possible to empathize with this person and feel bad for them and still feel like it’s their own damn fault. Emotions are complex.

We see this all the time with people in this thread and their idiot parents. I’m sure they will be devastated if they lose their refusing-to-vaccinate mother or father to COVID, but simultaneously a part of them will blame their mother or father for making such a idiotic decision. And blaming them doesn’t really make the whole thing any less sad.

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The FDA approval thing is absurd. Just absolute bullshit. What are they going to do, not approve it after 150,000,000 shots? Come on.

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Close to home alert:

Our good friends have a 38 year old unvaccinated friend just die from covid.


Sang about Belfast on St Dominic’s Preview.

Also Cypress Avenue of course.

Careful there, you are running dangerously close to suggesting that Washington bureaucrats are actually kind of useless. THEY WENT TO HARVARD!

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Question for y’all

I work in a small office, 15 employees here plus two bosses. We worked remotely for a bit two different times. Things are mostly normal now. Still have plexiglass at reception but we aren’t really mandating clients wear masks now. About half the staff got vaccinated including the bosses.

One staff member tested positive. He’s been in the office all week.

Should we be closing the office for two weeks? If this happened in December I would push for that? But in July 2021. Is that even a thing anymore?

Push for people to get vaccinated.


OK but at some point I lose track of the anti-'s and just call them assholes


I am guessing the venn diagram of these dipshits who won’t wear masks and won’t take the vaccine because FREEDUMB and the dipshits who think you should pass a drug test to get welfare has a LOT of overlap. This is essentially the same thing, you have to “pass an antibody test” (in a manner of speaking) to get your social security check or medicare coverage or fire department protection or drive on a taxpayer-funded road or fly on an airplane that uses FAA air traffic control.

I can tell you something that I believe (I can’t offer concrete evidence) has helped with my parents in a general political sense.

Think of a personal shortcoming,of your own,and apply a wisdom or practice that your in laws exercise that could help you with it.

I used my current streak of sobriety (longest in 22 years) to spearhead a similar effort.


But the whole weird loop gets reinforced at the anti-anti-vax level when asking reasonable questions like should you get vaccinated if you’ve already had covid, what are the long term effects of the covid vaccine, what does the hazard ratio for a teenager look like, etc, gets treated like vaccine disinformation. If reasonable questions like that don’t get treated as serious and instead get shouted down in The Discourse then I think it actually makes the anti-anti-vaxxers look like propagandists and they lose credibility among the skeptical. Kind of like how everyone in 1980s Soviet Union used Pravda as kindling and toilet paper while passing around mimeographed underground newsletters.