COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Eh, they’re still more likely to survive the school year than not.

Your life would be easier if you didn’t try to resist wishing bad things on those Kansas hillbillies. It’s okay to hate people.

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My FIL is mid-60s, has heart disease, high blood pressure, severe asthma and is obese. There is probably more that I am not aware of. You are probably right that he is more likely than not to live but his odds of dying if he gets Covid have to be pretty high compared to average. Working in a school in anti-vax territory his chances of getting a hyper-contagious strain like Delta or worse has to be quite high. You add that up and it means we are living with the reality we could get the phone call any day that they are pozzed/and or in the hospital. All that with the worst outcomes likely totally preventable with no real cost to them.

It totally sucks. Honestly the last thing my partner needs to go through is one of her parents dying horribly from Covid after working Covid ICU for a year. You are right that it thankfully probably won’t happen but (in addition to the obvious reason that we want them safe) that’s why we have been trying everything to get them vaccinated. It’s terribly frustrating that they won’t even seriously consider it.


Have you considered the passive-aggressive tactic of mocking unvaxxed people who die of COVID in their presence? Just really make clear that you think those people are dumb and deserved it.


Interesting study on transmissibility from vaccinated people.


We pretty much have tried this tactic both in person and via SM. Meanwhile this is the kind of stuff they have family members/friends tagging them in that they seem to have latched on to:

I’m sure they use this same logic when their doctor prescribes an antibiotic.


They all ask for an antibiotic when they have covid-19 pneumonia!

Sad part is that a lot of doctors are writing for azithromycin wholly unnecessarily. Not that azithromycin really works for much these days but everything will be resistant soon if we keep this up.


Or if you’re just hopelessly stupidly religious.

Start taking out high value life insurance policies on them. Tell them you plan to live it up in their memory.


Holy shit man, I’m so sorry for you and your wife.


My MIL sends my wife this kind of stuff and refuses to get vaccinated. She has COPD to the point she is on oxygen at home. She has been in the hospital multiple times with lung issues over the last few years. We won’t let her see her only grandkid unless vaccinated and she still refuses. I feel terrible for my wife but I have no idea how you can get through to people like this.


Confirmed mom has covid, thankfully says it still just feels like a cold.


Seriously make sure she has one of those 02 finger readers.


You may have saved her life.


yeah, I’ve already had that thought. it took weeks of convincing her to get it.

she’s down the fox News rabbit hole and thought the vaccine was going to microchip her.


Tell her you know for a fact that a group of people on the internet knows she has Covid. Don’t tell her how we know.


Great work. Like others have said you likely saved her life.


“household pets dying shortly after the owners get the serum.”

Regardless of what C_N says I hope these fuckwits, not your in-laws but the people pushing this nonsense, die a slow and painful death. Fuck’em - ■■■■■■

Hygiene porn

You run good.