COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I wonder how reliable these vaxxed/non vaxxed stats on hospitalizations and deaths are. This is all essentially self-reported, no? And there must be at least some bias towards claiming you’re vaxxed, even if not, whereas there is no reason for doing the opposite.

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It’s more complicated because the risk of hospitalization is much higher for older people, who are also also quite a bit more likely to be more vaccinated. To get the right number, you’d need to look at the age distribution of the average hospitalized person, then multiply that by the vaccination rate by age.


It’s going to vary a lot by state, but our EMR can automatically sync up with the state database… and if you got it in our system it’s kept track of as well.

Haven’t had anyone lie to me either.


Well at a Ralph’s in SoCal today the guy at the self-checkout next to mine wasn’t wearing a mask and when an employee asked him to put one on he started on “this is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated, this is all about control.” I told him I hoped he and his family remain healthy, and he told me he was sorry that I was so brainwashed :frowning:

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The standard response should be “a free death is the best death”


Nowadays it’s clear as you please,
Strap with protection or strap with disease.


I think if I ever get in a confrontation about wearing a mask I’ll just explain to them that it’s to protect them. That I foolishly got a vaccine and am trying to keep from shedding the virus on other people. Maybe they’ll buy me a beer afterward or something.

Like 6 weeks ago everyone was “how are we behind the USA?”

NYC cases moving up bigly

hospitalizations and deaths remain at all-time lows, but those are lagging indicators

University mandates holding up in court:


You handled it fine in the moment but also what did you expect he’d say to that? Never reason with these people always go for owns and laugh at them. Perfect time for an awwww I’m sorry poor baby did the mean cashier hurt your feelings wahhh wahhh wahhh

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Notwithstanding the idiocy of going ahead with the Olympic Games and the slow vaccine rollout, COVID infections and deaths remain under control in Japan thanks to unwavering discipline in terms of mask-wearing and distancing restrictions, with almost none of the revolt and public outcry about restriction of individual liberties.

If I had to guess, most of Japan, including those who have already been vaxxed, will still be masking well into next year if not beyond even once vaccinations have finally been made available to everyone who wants one.



Another lockdown here in SA, one week.

Extremely pissed off with the work of both the Federal and NSW governments here. NSW had a Delta variant outbreak and introduced restrictions way too late, letting the outbreak get out of hand and seeding multiple other outbreaks around the country, including here. NSW have been by far the most lax state at managing nascent outbreaks, which was lauded by Federal Treasurer and noted shithead Josh Frydenberg back in February:

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has taken a swipe at Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, insisting New South Wales takes the cake when it comes to the “gold standard” for managing coronavirus outbreaks.

The subtle dig comes as Victoria is mid-way through its snap five-day lockdown as the state scrambles to prevent a third wave of the virus following the rising Holiday Inn cluster.

“No doubt Victoria has made improvements after the devastating second wave, but NSW is the gold standard, because they haven’t had a state-wide lockdown, even though they have had clusters of cases, for example, in the Northern Beaches,” Mr Frydenberg said. “So, every state should learn from NSW.”

That’s the thing about repeatedly going allin on -1000 bets isn’t it, you’re a fucking genius right up until it turns out it’s possible for you to lose.

The Federal Government totally screwed up the vaccine buy, not keeping their options open enough, and keep letting people go overseas for bullshit reasons, whereupon the virus repeatedly jumps out of the sieve-like hotel quarantine system. People get allowed to go overseas for weddings and funerals and to visit family and whatnot, then when there’s an outbreak nobody here can even have weddings or funerals or visit anyone, or run a profitable business. Pretty sick of it.

It’s nice that the virus is taken seriously here, it’s less nice that the place is run by short-sighted morons who don’t understand that heavy-handed preventative measures are better than calling plaintively after your horse while closing the stable door. At least the SA government has been good. After we got a case here seeded from NSW (from an 81 year old guy who was in hotel quarantine there after going to Argentina while unvaccinated) they kept the state open as long as it was just close contacts, but after a single casual contact tested positive, they’ve brought the hammer down with a week-long hard lockdown. It’s how you have to do it. It would be nice if other governments understood this rather than putting us in this position in the first place. Sydney is now in its fourth week of lockdown or something and has many weeks ahead of it.


Regarding that last sentence in the previous post, modelling just out from the University of Melbourne puts the likely end date of the NSW lockdown at September 4. When the news came out that an infectious Delta case had been wandering around out in the community, back in late June, they didn’t even fucking mask mandate. “Gold standard” outbreak management right there.


Obviously can’t argue against the idea that keeping COVID out as much as possible while eliminating any outbreaks is the best idea for overall public health, but given the international situation it seems there’s no end in sight. (At least in regards very tightly controlled external travel with at least the odd lockdown.) Is that the understanding there, that this is the new reality for the foreseeable future even after vaccines?

(Selfishly this would suit me, my wife has been trying to persuade me to visit Australia for years but I just dread the flight time.)

Somehow the oddsmakers have the Phillies most likely to win the east. Bet they haven’t factored this in. Players are at 50% plus a couple of known recovered cases (which should get vaxxed anyhow).

Holy fuck

Tweak to “ownership and management class” and the quote applies to the country as a whole.

I’ll buy this to some extent, but if you try all the noncoercive stuff that you can think of and it’s not enough, then you really do have to decide between trying coercive stuff and not.

This… I don’t think I agree with. Maybe for a very small subset of the antivax crowd (like people with religious objections or die hard Jenny McCarthyites), but I think most people who refuse to take the vaccine are refusing to own the libs or the establishment, not out of deeply held principles.

Also, step away from the subjective stuff for a minute. It’s strictly less coercive to say that you can’t go to work unless you’re vaccinated than it is to say that you can’t go to work period. Or that your kid can’t go to school unless she’s vaccinated vs. she can’t go at all. This isn’t strict, but a $1k fine is less coercive than telling people they can’t leave their homes for a month, on any reasonable analysis.

Finally, it’s really critical to remember that vaccines actually work! Lockdowns and mask mandates are time-buying measures. You’re buying time to roll out vaccines. If you don’t actually do that with the time you bought, it was just a waste. I know you don’t disagree with that, but the point of recognizing that we’re doing lots of coercive stuff is to emphasize that there should be a really high burden of proof on people who want to enforce coercive measures, and things look a lot different if you’re talking about coercing everybody for no benefit vs coercing a smaller number of people for a huge benefit.

EDIT: Edited to remove unthinking and apparently false statement that Christian Scientists are hard-core antivaxxers.