COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Christian Scientists aren’t inherently anti-vaxx in the sense that they don’t oppose compliance with any vaccination mandates. Any harm that might be caused by required vaccines is just another thing that prayer is supposed to heal. They might not choose to get vaccinated where it is optional, but that choice is left up to individual conscience. There’s no denominational policy against vaccines.

Instead of bringing back mask mandates that are sure to be widely ignored, just demand proof of vaccination to participate in society. You wanna be a fucking idiot, fine, but you’re not going to a restaurant, airport, grocery store, school, etc.

I’d take it a step further and deny medical care to these assholes when they get sick, but I realize that’s seen as an extreme position.


What about their FREEDUMBS though?

Thanks for correcting! I should have checked that before calling out a specific religious denomination. :frowning:

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I missed why we’re casting asparagus at the Christian Scientists or Jenny McCarthy nuts when we have millions of anti-vaxxers in the grip of the Trump personality cult.

This is fine in theory but asking service workers who are extremely underpaid to check vaccine ID’s at the door is just as much of a fantasy as everything else we talk about.


Seriously. If I’m minimum wage (or any wage) I’m not risking getting shot by some trump nutcase over this shit. I’m waving eeeeeeverybody through.


Another WINNAR. Let’s not repeat last weeks debate, just note the passing of another aggressive anti-vaxxer.


We have a “when terrible people die” thread for exactly this kind of person dying!


Sorry, that thread has be relegated to discussion of whether eating the Eucharist is cannibalism or not.


So what’s up with ivermectin? A guy I’m arguing with on facebook brought it up. It feels a lot like HCQ and remdesivir and whichever other potential treatments that turned out to be worth little to nothing, but there are apparently studies showing good results?

Oh, it works, it’s just that the governments (?) don’t want us to have it so they can control us. I don’t really understand it, but I can point you to 12 or 14 hours of youtube videos that can clear it up for you.



The FDA has received multiple reports of patients who have required medical support and been hospitalized after self-medicating with ivermectin intended for horses

-Eta - I guess I forgot how to do the quote thing. Help.

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Good Matty G post on increasing vaccination rates. I think he makes a compelling argument that the FDA granting official approval (rather than emergency use authorization) would be huge.

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It’s funny that they both can’t hide their smiles. It’s almost like they are putting on a show.

I’m more of a process-oriented guy with some lawbro-ish instincts and a poker-influenced disdain for results-oriented thinking, so I dislike the idea giving full authorization without gathering the same safety data that you would require before authorizing other vaccines.

If there’s a problem with the process, then change the process for everything. Carving a special exception out for COVID is politicizing what is supposed to be a science-based process.

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Thanks. I did see that, but I also found this: Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infectio... : American Journal of Therapeutics

I’m a layperson and I have no idea if this is a legitimate scientific journal, but if I’m reading it right it says ivermectin works pretty well for preventing severe covid outcomes. I assume that would be a very good thing if true.

I know the guy I’m arguing with wants to use it to claim we don’t need to vaccinate everyone, but I’m not sure I’m comfortable telling him it’s total BS.

If we’re going with ideas that we shouldn’t have to do to convince people to get vaxxed, instead of paying people, pay the employers. It’s dumb and regressive but might work. Offer tax breaks to employers who mandate vaccines. CEOs love tax cuts. Make them be the bad guys to enforce this stuff instead of 18 year old hosts at restaurants. They already enforce other dumb workplace rules, this one may actually save lives. People will probably comply as a condition of keeping their job. If more employers started mandating it, I think we would see a lot of progress very fast. Mandates are holding up in court already.


It’s my understanding that (at least in Canada) employers are permitted under labor law to mandate vaccines, but under health privacy law are not allowed to ask employees if they’ve been vaccinated or demand proof of vaccination. So there may be limits on employer-led initiatives. Anti vaxxers will just go to work anyway when they find out they can’t be detected.