COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Wish my school would do this.


Manic Mondays :grimacing:


Q… Should we go on holiday driver?

A… Yes, like right fucking now and get to fuck out my face.


Really appreciate your updates. Would love to see a more nuanced statement of “so many covid patients the past few days”. Can you detail what the percentage has been for vax vs. unvaxed?

Also the seriousness of symptoms between those two groups?

Sick enough to be in the hospital but still room to not be as sick as previous spike on average.

The hard part is what is the mix

Vulnerability profile
Delta v alpha vs Covid 1.0

Only one person was vaxxed. She was in her late 70s and came in feeling tired. Had pneumonia, oxygen levels were fine. Discharged home without any work up. Her sons gave it to her and she was pissed.

Had roughly 20 patients in my past 4 shifts either with covid confirmed or strongly suspected. I see roughly 20 people per shift depending on a few things.

I admitted 5, ages 30-50. Only required some nasal oxygen. Haven’t gotten a crashing patient in a long time. Was close to admitting another (her oxygen levels would drop while walking), but sent her home.

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Thanks, appreciate the details.

My family didn’t stop wearing masks because our daughter can’t get vaxxed and I’m modeling the behavior for her. But, we’re starting to be more cautious in general now too.

I’ve also convinced some family to start wearing masks again


If trump had at least the loyalty of a hyena instead of the loyalty of a rattlesnake they probably would have let him do the coup

Younger than before.

Don’t get variant reports as the simple ER doc

Most are pretty healthy

Almost all unvaxxed

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I really wish when the vaccines were proving to be effective as a society we would of used that positive news to redouble our efforts on other mitigation tools.

It was our best chance to really but the strangle hold on this thing.

I know that was never going to happen though.




That’s really good - thanks for posting.

One of the comments brought a smile … “Where did you buy that handwriting?” :)

This is the point I was making earlier just less elegantly. :grin:

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That’s why it caught my eye (your point not it’s elegance or lack thereof) ;)

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I remember arguing when vaccines were first being rolled out that we needed to make more of an effort to gather data and do record-keeping for the purpose of creating vaccine passports. Other people said that it was more important to get shots in arms as fast as possible.

I think I was right.

JFC people missing the fucking point


One downside of smart people clustering in like 20 cities is most of them have lost all awareness of how stupid most people are.


More of this, please:

St. Jude employees must be vaccinated against COVID-19 by September 9, barring a medical or religious exemption. The eight weeks between now and then is meant to give employees time to schedule and complete the vaccination process.

Any employee who refuses to get vaccinated will be put on unpaid leave for two weeks.

At the end of that time, if employees have not started the vaccination process, they will be terminated.


I think this needs to broken down some.

I worked in poker for over 20 years, so as you might imagine, I came across my share of stupid people, especially coworkers.

Those stupid people generally broke down into two groups. Stupid people that knew they were stupid, and stupid people that thought they were smart. The stupid that knew they were stupid, while not having much brain capacity, knew their swim lanes and didn’t generally get into intellectual conversations. The stupid that didn’t know they were stupid always managed to get into the conversation and prove how stupid they were.

I think the problem we’re dealing with here, in regards to vaccines and the current state of america, are the stupid that don’t know they’re stupid. This group includes all of the Facebook antivaxxers that are doing their “own research”. I think the plain old stupid people are mostly getting vaxxed.