COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Best you can hope for is maybe slipping the COVID vaccine into early childhood vaccines and hoping the MAGA chuds don’t all opt out of getting it.

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I think this is true. But, while most conservatives don’t believe in the microchips, there is certainly a lot of “I’ve been exhausted and my feet tingle ever since I got vaccinated.”

my unvaxxed conservative brother went to the Stanley cup finals game, last week tested positive for covid.

my mom who lives with him has cold symptoms, thankfully I talked her into getting the vaccine.

my other conservative anti-vaxx brother still refusing to get the shot.


Even most of the folks that say they’re being micro chipped don’t genuinely think they are getting micro chipped because they don’t really “think” anything, they’ve been trained to be highly suggestible victimhood consumers. By the time you’re half way through asking the question their lizard brains are already screaming PROBABLY THATS A THING even if they’ve never heard of microchips before.

I assume everyone here is already aware of how social media and their recommendation algorithms are contributing to the disinformation issues. Here’s yet another example:


I assumed it was easier to google than it appears to be. My apologies.

The point is that if 2/500 vaccinated people and 2/50 unvaccinated people die from COVID technically 2 of each died but it’s not 50/50.

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What is going on in the UK? Is it just because they used the AZ vaccine which isn’t as effective as MRNA? Why are there so many cases if the vaccination rate is so high?

I think it’s possible they are just a few weeks farther down the timeline than the US with regard to Delta dominance.

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You’re missing the % vaccinated in there to do the math. But, I don’t think that contradicts Jalfrezi’s intended point (if there was one) and (as you seem to agree) doesn’t contradict the supposed facts he posted. Perhaps everyone would agree that vaccinated people are still dying from covid and that that implied it’s still a public health problem. Maybe he was reacting to the “to hell with the unvaccinated” notion rather than suggesting something about vaccines not being effective.


To see how obvious the policy choice is you have to take a step back and view this from a blimp. Conservative bullshit has infected our discourse so much that the dialogue, even among so-called liberals, assumes a baseline value to “freedom,” loosely defined as individuals being able to do anything they want no matter how stupid, reckless and/or fatal. Fuck that, it’s just plain wrong and every slippery slope argument you hear re: vaccines is stupid because the whole point of a “slippery slope” is you end at mass death, WHICH IS ALREADY HAPPENING. It’s like saying “we shouldn’t stop this genocide because the next leader might kill people.” It’s fucking absurd.


I would say “libertarian bullshit” rather than “conservative bullshit”.

I don’t think the difference between the AZ and mRNA vaccines is nearly enough to explain it.

Buckle up, we’re about to hit the exponential part of exponential growth again in the US. And with the explosion of cases in the UK and US, I can only assume we’re mere days away from the big reveal of the “Now even 50% more COVID-ER!” variant that is being brewed up in the lungs of one of our fellow upstanding global citizens.


From September



The only line that’s been drawn for these people is an attempt to take over the capitol building and kill most of Congress. Otherwise they’ve been allowed to kill, injure, insult, and troll the rest of us as much as they like and will continue to be allowed to do so.

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And they’re mostly getting away with that too.


AAP comes in with recs (it’s wear masks)

Refreshing sanity given everything else recently. So many covid patients the past few days.

But fuck it like it matters.

On a side note, two of my favorite nurses are quitting. Wonder why.


Recent generations have grown soft. Forcing kids to wear masks will instill some discipline in them. Teach those kids how to follow orders, whether they like them or not.

Well, if you believe the poll posted earlier, then bolded is not true. According to that one 51% of those who won’t get vaxxed think the government is using the vaccine to microchip you.