COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Australia cruising at 10% vaccinated. My city in our fifth lockdown with 30 cases in last week (total). Somehow USA is going to be out of this before us.

Yeah. How the fuck is the vaccine roll out so slow. Weve could have built our own factories from scratch by now.

The US topped out with a 7dma around 260,000. We are still a long ways from that. I’d still be stunned if we crossed that tbh with the overall vax rate and a high rate of infection we had in earlier waves. That being said it does appear churchill’s hand wringing about variants appears to have been correct.

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UK fully vaxxed = 66% and daily infection rates are now 50,000+ and expected to reach 100,000 - 200,000, easily surpassing the previous high.


Edit: that’s 66% of adults

I mean I would make the same bet at even odds today. We still need to nearly 10x from here. I do think one thing that helps my side of it is mildly symptomatic deplorables here are not going to get tested. Also like danspartan has said at some point Biden and Co. (and Dem governors) will do something to try and put the brakes on this you would think (page @SweetSummerChild)

It’s hard to know how to balance one against the other - the lag that the US is behind the UK with Delta versus the deplorables not getting tested. Maybe evens is about right.

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Because Morrison wanted to do it on the cheap with locally produced vaccines and got complacent when the virus was basically under control here. Then 1 locally designed vaccine caused you to test positive for HIV and AZ became a 60+ vaccine because of bloodclots and delta escaped into the population making it clear getting people vaccinated was a race after all. We now risk being in lockdowns till the end of the year and I am really pissed off about that.


Careful what you wish for. The US has been ostensibly out of this for months now, with life appreciably 100% back to pre-pandemic normal.

We are going to happily kill off a whole slew of our citizens needlessly tho, so yah there is that.

The word “we” is doing a lot of heavy lifting there.

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E Plurbus Unum my friend :(

At least mostly self selected this time.


I have no fucks left to give for unvaxxed folks getting sick and dying.

I feel bad for the hospital workers who need to be exposed to these people and then are forced to watch them slowly die.

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Another huge wave from here would be devastating to medical workers. My wife is already talking about quitting if it gets bad again and she isn’t alone.

Basically fuck all the anti-vaxers.


I won’t be surprised if our NHS workers walk out, Infact I’d support it for tomorrow and Tuesday after this UK government decided to make us plague Island.

Do not travel here, seriously.


I went to a Covid testing clinic this AM in Mexico City at 8am to get a covid test to come back to the US and it was packed with a large group of people waiting outside. I left fearing getting Covid. I will just pay to get a Covid test at the airport. It also made me feel really guilty for traveling right now even while vaccinated. "/

So what are the major changes coming to the UK tomorrow? I see “all measures dropped” - no masks, no capacity/distance requirements/travel restrictions any longer? I lost track of what restrictions have been in place there so I’d be curious if someone was willing to break down the “how things are now/what is changing tomorrow” for our friends across the pond.

Yeah wasn’t implying a desirable normal. Just pathetic we only have 10% of people vaccinated when we haven’t even had over a thousand cases in a day nationwide at any point to deal with (and hospital crises etc). Been a catastrophe of planning by our masterful conservative overlords

Johnson in his infinite lunacy said no restrictions. Transport For London said fuck off, people must still wear masks on transport. Other cities also agreed, as did some big supermarket chains.