COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I think the NY Times has a pretty good tracker.

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Don’t worry, the Japanese have found a way, supposedly. :rofl:

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Sure. That’ll do it lol

They’re tip top athletes in extraordinary physical shape. They’d fuck on top of a burning stove if they had to

Me: so you went to Vegas, unvaccinated, without a mask, you’re not feeling well now, and you’re asking me if you should isolate from your wife who is also unvaccinated and on immunosuppressants?

Pt: Stupid is as stupid does.

Me: …

Me: yeah you should isolate


I also dont get the math. Do they have different cardboard for different sports?

The open division weight lifters are 3 times heavier than the lightest female athlete.

I mean. Its japan. So theyve probably thought of that…

Some good graphs in here:

They should get rid of enclosed spaces like individual rooms and just have a large, semi-open, well-ventilated area with beds and lockers divided by those Japanese screens.

You can fuck, but everyone else is going to know you’re fucking.

At some point the fear will kick in.

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"The three who have tested positive on the rapid tests will receive a PCR coronavirus test, a more sensitive and accurate version of a COVID-19 test. The positive members will isolate for 10 days.

The three members are vaccinated."

“There was a notable increase in the use of face coverings among lawmakers and Democratic staffers at their hotel Saturday morning. Since members arrived late Monday, masks have been used sparingly as they moved through the lobby and held meetings around the city.”

“Texas Democrats have met with a slew of Capitol Hill Democrats this week, including U.S. Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Joe Manchin of West Virginia. Vice President Kamala Harris also met with them on Tuesday.”

One person’s conspiracy is another’s tea leaves.

I’m in a similar situation (5yo due to start school in a few weeks) and started to get pretty anxious about this a few weeks ago. Ultimately, though, it just has to be the case that the harm to your child and family from them losing another half-year+ of school until they can get vaccinated is a lot bigger than the risk to them of getting COVID. (This is a bit age-dependent–might be less true for older kids, at least if they can cope well with the mental health aspects of being out of school. Also assumes a child without serious health problems.) The case for closing schools has always rested in large part on the risk of kids transmitting the disease to older folks who are much more at risk from it, and the people who are most at risk have largely gotten vaccinated. Most of the rest have had plenty of chance to get vaccinated and don’t really have much moral standing to demand consideration.

Let’s be honest. Breaking a bed wouldn’t be a hindrance; it would add to the thrill.

I’ve been going maskless to the grocery store but that’s over with.

I was weary of every experience outside of home taking on the feeling of a dystopian wasteland. I was actually weighing the value of a smile.



Under normal circumstances, perhaps.

But these things are going to break before you even get started. No sense of accomplishment in that.

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I wonder if the world’s best athletes can figure out how to have sex without using a bed?

I think too much is being made of “world’s best athletes”. I suppose that’s helpful, but at the end of the day you’re looking at horny 20somethings give or take. Horny 20somethings will find a way to fuck whether they’re athletic or not. I’m sure a broken cardboard bed on the floor will be more than enough to get the job done.

I bet you’re fun at sex parties.


From UK forecasts, which are quite rangey, those odds look the wrong way round.

UK Enterprise - to boldly go where no sane country has gone before

I quite enjoy your vignettes of doctor/patient dialogue.