COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

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I was recently exposed to a dangerous dose of Hannity and his schtick was “vaccines are good, but everyone should get informed and make up their own minds. Now here’s a 10-minute segment with someone whose family had severe complications from the vaccine followed by a segment with someone who is being OPPRESSED because they won’t get vaccinated.”

I too recently had a dangerous dose of Hannity. He was taunting Biden for not reaching his vaccine goal…

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Well this seems like a promising development. There is an antibody that targets a domain that seems to not be mutating (“conserved” region which is likely is not amenable to advantageous mutations).

If I read it correctly, it’s naturally occurring, identified from recovered plasma. The goal will be develop a vaccine antigen that stimulates that antibody production.

Nobody giving a fuck about covid on my bus to Veliko Tarnovo. Like 5% masks. No requirement to wear them mentioned on the bus.

I have no idea how Bulgaria has so few cases given their low vaccination rate and mostly blase attitude towards restrictions.

I dont know any specifics about Bulgaria, but there a common dynamic where “exponential growth isn’t a problem, until it is”. Some other places like Taiwan and Singapore started with almost no cases and people made assumptions that there must be some simple explanation (policy? culture?) but then eventually they had their exponential event. Maybe luck is the better explanation.

An absence of superspreaders?

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It’s like 95% is not 100%. Imagine that.

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“Every health care professional I’ve come across in the last few days tell me the two shots of Pfizer I got in February are what’s keeping a 52-year-old like me from a far worse experience than the awful one I’m having,” Eisen wrote in the post. “So, be careful if you’re vaccinated and, if you’re not vaccinated, don’t wait another second.”

The sports yamabag has a pretty solid take.


This is some of the most compelling evidence I’ve seen yet.


are there breakdowns like that on covid reinfection?

it’s somewhat relevant. i think my aunt is unvaccinated and her husband had it a few months back. he had moderate symptoms at home.

Eisen is a good dude imo.

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Not that I’ve seen.

Can’t think of a way you’d really do a study on them that would be high quality. Frankly, the HCW is only applicable to HCWs, even if it is reassuring.

Any word on whether Andy Beal will still be part of the US poker team?

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Pretty likely Team USA will be defaulting out of the Olympics.

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See a patient for a splinter in the ER. Notice that she doesn’t have a covid vaccine.

  • Why didn’t you get a covid shot?
  • It has chemicals in it.
  • OK we need your temperature now, open your mouth
  • No I’m afraid of covid
