COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Sad thing is they are probably smarter than the average anti vaxer.



70s black male with cough, rhinorrhea, sore throat. Clear lungs, no F/CP/SOB. Likely allergies, maybe URI. PCP wonā€™t see in person because of COVID ZOMG, so he gets put in the covid tent with like 6 active infections.

No covid shot. Why? Because my doctor hasnā€™t recommended it to me and I canā€™t see him in person. I donā€™t know how to do video visits and want to see him in person but I canā€™t.


Also saw a four week baby with some congestion who just wanted to be seen in person by a doctor, but her pediatrician refused.

Fuck primary care doctors right now.

LA just re-imposed the mask mandate for everyone.

Allow me to vent for a moment.

I received my vaccination paperwork, which in theory is the document you need to make a vaccination appointment.

I thought: ā€œIā€™m finally in the clear!ā€

But when I went online to make my appointment, I was stunned to discover that at this time my city is only accepting people of the following age groups:

-65 and older

And by the way, appointments are NOT filling up right now.

Somehow an 18-year-old kid is permitted to get a shot but middle-aged me is not.

I give up.



Can you mistype your age?

In Japan everyone has ID numbers with age info imbedded. System rejects.

Thatā€™s socialism!


Iā€™m assuming itā€™s because thatā€™s an age group thatā€™s still in school.

My tolerance for masking up again because idiots are idiots is zero. I hate how stupid everything is.

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Iā€™ve been trying to convince my mom to get the shots, sheā€™s deeply enmeshed in conservative Christian world, but I think sheā€™s coming around. She seems to be worried about the Delta variant


Keep those Missouri stories in her FB feed.

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For those who didnā€™t subsequently google, it was illegal immigrants. Tough to fool this forum.


I got throttled by Facebook for apparently having too many arguments at once in the comments of a local health department post urging residents to get vaccinated. They reported only 5 out of 42 in their latest batch of infections were vaccinated and all they got in reply was a bunch of people saying that proves the vaccines donā€™t work.


Spent the last couple day of a week in Mexico City and it is stunning the level of mask and protocol compliance everywhere. Nearly 100% even walking the streets. Itā€™s at the point it is so comprehensive I am kind of annoyed in a weird way. I watched a bunch of people dancing at an open air music thing in a park and it was literally 100% with zero chin diapers. Iā€™m guessing almost everyone here would trip over each to get a vaccine. Even more proof to me that the whole ā€œshithole countriesā€ is total protection.


I was a victim of fancy play syndrome on that one.


Truckload of fully vaxxed Yankees pozzed and some symptomatic. Cases rising everywhere. Iā€™m starting to get that pre-shook feeling again.

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