COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I mean it took you five posts because you don’t fucking read.

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There is no “we.” There are groups with different interests in society, and there are political actors who put different burdens and benefits on those groups. The politics of our society are such that children and families who rely on public school services can be forced to make enormous sacrifices that mostly benefit people who are more vulnerable to COVID, while adults who want to get drunk in a dive bar can’t be made to do the same. The interesting question is, given that state of play, is it actually just to force those sacrifices on kids and families? What are the benefits and costs and uncertainties? Will reducing community spread by closing schools just encourage more irresponsible behavior from everyone else so that we end up in a similar place? What burden of proof do we put on establishing the benefits and the costs, and who bears it?


Also it is that Trump was desperate for a miracle cure so he wouldn’t have to deal with Covid so he latched onto every quack idea that came along ending with bleach up the ass and then canceled his Covid pressers.

It reeked of bullshit.


I’m just baffled at how anyone could possibly think there would be a bias against treatment or that people didn’t hope it worked. It’s a nonsensical contrarian position.


This “did you not trust unproven medical treatments because they were unproven OR because they were advocated by a guy who stared at the sun during an eclipse and suggested we drink bleach and shine lights inside our bodies to kill COVID” derail is super.


why did it come up as a possible treatment? like was there a clue about its mechanism?

In vitro screening

The countries with malaria problems didn’t have much of a Covid problem at the beginning. So the hypothesis was that HCQ was stopping it.

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HCQ had been researched as an antiviral for some time with little to no success. There was a poorly done study in test tubes that was completely irrelevant, then some French guy made some massive claim that it had this huge effect. This ended up being bullshit. Italy used it too.

In normal circumstances, it never would have been widely prescribed. It was the only thing we had though as people were dying everywhere, so it was done.


If I had gotten COVID during the time in question I would have happily taken Hydro if my doctor prescribed it. However, I did not change my behavior on the premise that their was a miracle cure for COVID…. which is what the fat fuck conman intended by his BS and made it important to pushback on his deranged comments.


He’d have been given a lot more credit for his outside the box thinking if he had done something as simple as encouraging mask use instead of his “it’s a personal choice” bullshit.

:wave: hand up, I dismissed the fish tank additive as an effective COVID treatment prior to reading any peer reviewed papers


Lol what? From an outsider’s perspective who stays out of all of the stupid forum drama, I definitely don’t think this is accurate fwiw.


I admit I was skeptical about putting a light bulb up my


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Don’t knock till you’ve tried it. It doesn’t help with Covid, and yet …


This was the reality of what was happening.

15 going to zero. Trump was holding his breath, closing his eyes hoping the virus magically disappeared. Everything he said was garbage.

But the drugs were tested in spite of Trump not because of him and they were garbage.

I feel like we are arguing about a what if here which makes no sense.

Seems that vaccination is slowing up in the Czech Republic. By the end of this week, 50% of the population will have at least one shot.

But that rate is slowing because young people (those under 30) are vaccinating at a very low rate so far. Another long overdue pop-up walk-in clinic is coming to Prague but there need to be more in other parts of the country. Prague represents 1/10 of the country’s population but 1/4 of the vaccines adminstered per day. Rural areas aren’t getting their vaccinations. Many of the rural districts still have zero active covid cases. To them, it’s basically over.

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Pfizer #1 in the arm baby. Seems I owe USAians a big thankyou for donating 500,000 doses to Uruguay at the end of June.


“Donated”. They couldn’t get their idiotic population to use them.


Ted Cruz has a scapegoat for why covid-19 cases are rising in Texas. Without googling, what is it?

Who is to blame?
  • Illegal immigrants
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Californians moving in
  • Vaccinated people

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