COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Yeah I had a feeling this was coming. If they ever come to accept the Delta variant it will be that vaxxed people created it and are spreading it.

Your extended family is deep in the cult.

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Live look into senator McConnell’s office:

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Is jabbing them with a sharp stick until they stop being idiots a valid third option?

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God fucking damnit

Can that sharp stick have some antigen sequences on the top?


The travel policy changes in Czechia are coming at a mile a minute and are very unclear.

Seems that most of the changes don’t apply to me since I’m already vaccinated but it’s hard to tell with the Czech to English translation not being ideal.

We have a client who had COVID last March (was very sick, tested positive for antibodies later), was then vaccinated months ago (not sure which one), and has now tested positive again after one of his kids got it and brought it home. Insanely unlucky or shitty immune system I guess?

Maybe not a whole lot of either, but a little of each. If the kid was too young for the vaccine, then it’s going to be awfully hard to avoid getting a high dose of virus when tending a sick kid. Might just have been too much for the client’s immune system to ramp up to handle in time to prevent an infection.

I suspect people not getting vaccinated who don’t suffer from Foxbrain are heavily influenced by wives tales and urban legends spreading like Mr. Rogers being covered in tattoos and serving as a sniper in the military. Always amazes me how much people fall into that trap. One of these people I know thinks that cold weather is what causes the common cold. Like, not higher susceptibility to viral infection due to favorable conditions of the virus, but just the coldness itself. Whatever you think the number is for this type of person, it’s higher.

“The vaccine just gives you the virus, mannnnnn.”

You’re never beating that one out of a huge percentage of the population no matter how hard you try.

Edit: Low and behold the front page on my Youtube just now:

A professional Youtube video featuring board-certified physician telling you the truth and the medical science? That’s what they want you to believe, mannnnn.

Careful. I’ve heard from several sources that the narrative of people giving up their dogs because their “covid vacation” is over is sensationalist media horseshit.

They’ve illuminated that it’s mostly extreme poverty and loss of income forcing poor people to give up their dogs to shelters, not whatever strawman people dream up that bought a puppy for their instagram career or something now getting bored of it.

You say “tested positive”, but does he also have any symptoms. If he’s completely asymptomatic this time, I’d say immune system is doing it’s job well enough.


Fiji PM … in a very dapper shirt.

No Jab - No Job. Civil Servants and Private Sector. Businesses will be closed if they don’t comply.


I got rocked hard by the vaccine side effects. :(

Feeling better now but today was rough.

I really hope third doses/more boosters won’t be necessary. I would be legit hesitant to take them if side effects are the same.


5 positive patients today, all 20s or 30s, all unvaccinated.

I’m going to keep wearing a mask.


Goy my 2nd dose today …

Only 2 weeks now to party :slight_smile:

Edit: Pfizer/Pfizer 1st & 2nd Jabs


Mind sharing what they were?

Sure. I was injected with the vaccine at 3 pm and 10 hours or so after that I got bad fever and chills. This lasted about about 8 hours through the night I think. Couldn’t get any sleep and spent that time curled up on the couch. When that subsided I had a headache and felt groggy and just all around awful like a really bad hangover. That faded as the day went on.

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Playing PLO at casino last night. At my table I am only person wearing a mask. In casino there are maybe 10% masks.

  • Leave mask on
  • Take mask off

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