COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

And fuckin hell, sorry everybody but holy shit that’s annoying.

Of course it’s relevant he is banned.

Why have self bans if they mean nothing but wasting the time of moderators?

Self bans should be strictly enforced for the people’s own good and mental health.



Humans really suck.


I am going to get a T-shirt!



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I mean it does kind of solve some issues tbh as I have no desire to see them anyways. My main problem with it is this faction seems to have sucked my MIL into this nonsense. She is kind of deplorable adjacent. A good person in most ways but surrounded by rural Kansas filth who have been rotting away her brain for her entire life.


I’m in a similar spot. My grandpa is banned from any family gathering when there’s a kid who isn’t vaccinated. Means I won’t be seeing him for quite some time.

Man so lucky that we have to get pretty far away for any real nuts.

Hopefully we see vaccine approval for kids by the fall.

How about Delta Emitter with a biohazard sign?

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It won’t be approved for kiddos under 2 though, and my family has two buns in the oven right now with a 1.5 year old so it’s going to be awhile. It’s sad honestly. I’d be ok if he got covid and recovered, but he’s had a CABG and has CKD so that won’t go well.

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Has grandpa been pozzed?

Nope, I’d be ok with him seeing the kiddos if he had been. Don’t think my sister would be though, so the ban would stand. He’s 85 with some serious health issues too so it’d be bad.

My daughter got her Mom in line. She was more in the hate needles/afraid of side effects category but the granddaughter was the Trump card and my daughter played it.

Daughter is not taking the baby out in public for now. I get a day with her a week from Sunday. Can’t wait.


I know we’ve talked about hesitancy some here, but it’s way more complex than the political stuff. I don’t have a great handle on it. I’ve tried so hard with some people in my life and it just doesn’t matter. My grandpa falls into foxnews brain rot though.

I don’t know what the NBA stats are but based on anecdotes it seems compliance is much less than the WNBA which claims 99%. I can’t figure that one if there are historical race issues with trust.

Men are dumber than women.


It could play a part? When I trained in the south there was definitely a massive distrust of doctors in play.

I get why migrant workers don’t get vaccinated much around here, but there’s a large Spanish speaking middle class in my area and they don’t seem to go for it either. We’re reaching out but maybe not effectively? I see signs in Spanish everywhere but that’s about all the Spanish speaking media I consume.

When I first read this I thought, “Man, that toddler’s been through a lot medically so far.”

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Maybe there is some truth to the Pfizer antibodies fading after 6 months. He probably got one of the earliest vaccines as a doctor.

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