COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

We need a better mental health infrastructure or more butterfly nets.

Pretty easy to avoid people for majority of that trip.

Why would wearing a mask be - ev

Hey guys.

Im an Aussie who is booked in for 1st jab (Pfizer) on Monday about 1pm. I also double booked myself by getting tickets to a football game around 5.30pm that night.

Anyone have any issues within 6-8hrs of jab that would have them recommending not going to the football/palming my ticket off now. Or should it just be fine.

Same question also applies for having a couple beers.

Are you asking about side effects? Should be fine, side effects will more than likely be very mild.

Iā€™m more interested in the ā€œtickets to a football gameā€ part of your post. I think most people here, myself included, were living pretty isolated until shot #2 +2 weeks. Are cases basically zero in Aus right now?

Pfizer wants approval in US and Europe for third dose

Pfizer and partner BioNTech plan to seek authorisation for a third booster dose of coronavirus vaccine in Europe, the US and Asia. The move comes as the highly-contagious Delta variant drives infection surges around the world.

Pfizer said a study from Israel showed that the effectiveness of its vaccine against symptomatic disease declined approximately six months after people were fully vaccinated.

The biopharmaceutical companyā€™s chief scientific officer, Mikael Dolsten, said the recently reported dip was mostly due to infections in people who had been vaccinated in January or February, according to Reuters.

The news agency also reported the countryā€™s health ministry as saying vaccine effectiveness in preventing both infection and symptomatic disease fell to 64% in June.

The World Health Organization has said there was limited data on the length of protection offered by current vaccines.

Cā€™mon now. Pedroā€™s ???

Hi all, covid update Iā€™m still negative and my partner is now testing negative on home tests (but still has symptoms a bad cough canā€™t taste etc) how safe am I if we for example spend the night in the same room? Does the negative test mean sheā€™s not shedding anymore?

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I would avoid going to games and bars until 2 weeks after the second jab, I realize thatā€™s easy for me to say now that Iā€™m fully vaxxed.

Yeah but 80 across the Rockies >>>>>>>>>> 40

Add on that the 405 in LA is the same as the godawful 405 around Seattle and I am 100% on board with this

I would be isolating from each other until itā€™s more clear.

The larger issue is whether going to a football game is prudent. I suppose that largely depends on the state of COVID where you are. I havenā€™t kept up with the Australian situation, but seems like not a great idea.

If youā€™re asking about how you will feel. I donā€™t think most people who get symptoms feel it that soon. Iā€™d guess 8hrs is about the earliest youā€™d feel anything, and it would probably be mild at that point (before getting worse later). I donā€™t think the beers are an issue either.

Looks like USA Delta ground 0 is Missouri

But many residents and visitors to the area simply donā€™t care, and some health experts suspect some Donald Trump supporters are refusing to get vaccinated to undermine President Joe Bidenā€™s goals.

ā€œIf COVID didnā€™t get me the first time, I doubt Iā€™ll get it now,ā€ said one Ozarks resident, who asked for anonymity for fear of professional retaliation. ā€œWe believe in freedom in the Ozarks.ā€

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What confers more immunity, getting actual COVID and coming out fine or double Pfizer/Moderna shots?

The shots.


Should be fine

Iā€™ve heard of the Ozarks - thatā€™s where big crowds stand waist deep in urine infused water isnā€™t it?


Thatā€™s a pretty wild interpretation of US history.