COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I’m very suspicious of Pfizer’s motives about their third dose. The antibody evidence presented in media so far is not compelling whatsoever. I’be yet to see actual efficacy data.

This is one where I think it’s better to condition everyone to get an annual booster/variant shot. Plus who the hell knows, maybe we pick up a couple percent of the reluctants in the process.

@Danspartan , yes, I’m sure we’ll pick up some of the reluctants -

Let’s check in with the derposphere to see what they are up to. This one is especially poignant as she mentioned doing reasearch AND about taking something to negate the effects of 5G!

Probably only a few months away from this person seeing the light and getting a vaccine!

Trip I’m planning from this coming Sun to Thurs. (Helping friend move family items from deceased mother’s house).


Stop in Amarillo for 72 oz steak challenge or find some good tex mex in Albuquerque?

Here the steak place The Big Texan Steak Ranch - Wikipedia

Anyone know a must go pleace in Albuquerque?

What about OK City or St Louis to eat? Friend is buying meals.

(Don’t answer here, gonna repost in LC thread.)

Getting your kicks is what it looks like to me.


Interstate 40 is basically Route 66 until we split off in St Louis.

Is Interstate 40 or Interstate 70 the least appealing interstate in the country? I feel like it has to be one of those.

My vote is the Pennsylvania turnpike


This is correct. 6 hours of deliverance territory plus trucks galore on a slalom ski course. Literally zero not fast food restaurants between new Stanton and Harrisburg. Oh and like $30. WOAT


Of those 2 it’s 70, because Kansas.

I also nominate I-95 in South Florida for obvious reasons.

i15 through LV then i70 to Denver then i80 through Chicago would be about 2 hours faster and may be a better drive. Friend wants to do i40 because he’s never been through NM, TX, OK and neither have I.

I did the i80 like 20 years ago so slightly prefer i40, and it’s “historic” in that its over old Route 66.

That said, in light of potential heat wave (will get us through NV/UT or AZ/NM either way) and worse covid situation the i80 northern route remains an option.

That might be bad, but the stretch through the Utah salt flats is so unique and surreal (at least during the day. It would really suck at night) that it can hardly be the worst interstate. I feel like the actual worst interstate has to be a dinky one, like the 405 in LA, that is hell to drive on and has no redeeming characteristics.

Nah, I-95 through South Carolina is worse.

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I’m assuming everyone at the tables is maskless? Been contemplating this scenario as being the only masked player seems massively - EV

Avg # of masked players per table is about .25. It’s mostly Asian people and don’t think it has much effect on their EV and there’s 0 comments about it. Maybe .5 if you count chin diapers.

I’ve played twice recently and there have been anywhere from 2 to 8 players at the table masked at any given time, average probably around 3.

ETW: this is probably very regionally dependent. I was playing in Philly.

After spending far more time thinking about this than I should have, I’m voting I-70 as the worst. The only redeeming parts are the Rockies and a bit of Utah. Everything else is 1.5k miles of corn.

I-40 has the Ozarks & the Smokies. Most of Tennessee is nice to drive through. OK and the TX panhandle are pretty bleak, but western NM and AZ are also pretty decent. You should probably kill yourself before you get all the way to Barstow though.

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