COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I feel like we’re going to look back on this decision to hold the olympics as the dumbest possible single decision of the pandemic.

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The single dumbest decision of the pandemic happened early in November of 2016


What are his symptoms?

I only found out because my wife works with his wife so not 100% sure. I assume mildly or completely asymptomatic based on what she told me. It’s very possible he was just getting tested after vacation as a precaution and found out he was pozzed that way. If I find out more I will let you know.

I dont really understand the point of holding the games without spectators. Just cancel the fucking thing.

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One of the fully vaccinated contestants for Big Brother somehow got Covid during the time they were in quarantine pre-show. No symptoms but they had to boot her from the show. I wonder how much non-symptomatic Delta variants are going to hit those who are vaxxed. We likely will never know.

Perhaps he got pozzed on purpose so he could extend his vacation. Only having a laugh of course.

And of course the $billion question is how contagious are non-symptomatic vaxxed people?

chessmate libtard

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How else are you going to get those numbers? Is the pharmacist at CVS going to examine your vital signs and determine that you’re a democrat or make you product your bachelor’s degree? Do you guys lie to pollsters oh ya ya I’m an evangelical Christian woman and I’m definitely not getting vaccinated!

Could you imagine the insane uproar from the right if they had a political affiliation questionnaire at a vaccination site I mean cmon

More than 100 scientists have condemned the government’s plans to abandon coronavirus restrictions - describing it as a “dangerous and unethical experiment”.

In a letter published in The Lancet, they warned any strategy that tolerates high levels of infection is “illogical”.

Urging ministers to reconsider the plans, the scientists also claimed that the exponential growth of COVID-19 “will likely continue until millions more are infected, leaving hundreds of thousands with long-term illness and disability”.

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452 new cases in NYC yesterday, after weeks of around 200 cases per day. Some of this is likely due to a post-holiday backlog of testing, but the positivity rate has been slowly trending up as well. Only 52% of the city’s population is fully vaccinated.

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Just got my second dose and soon my 5G powers will be at full strength!

Seriously super easy to get an appointment now in Canada. Can pretty much get a shot at any pharmacy I think. Seems to be a strong supply Moderna available everywhere.


TV → ads → money


Yep. And also, I’d imagine a lot of the athletes want a chance to compete, even if the environment is less than ideal. For many sports, the Olympics is the highest level of competition and the 4 year cycle means that many athletes might only get one or two shots at it.


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My doctor is taking all of July off. Hope he does not get covid.

Epidemiological stupidity is a good phrase.

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