COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Really? Which of the 32094 other times conservative churches have been super spreader events gave you the impression that it would happen again?


Yeah I meant “still have the potential to be superspreaders in July, 2021”


Reading the comments on this article is… not encouraging.

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I had to run in to BestBuy today. Walked past a heavyset lady in her upper 60s being helped by an associate. She saw me (masked) and said “oh darn I forgot my mask”. Employee replied “it’s ok you dont need one anymore. As long as your vaccinated.”

She responds “oh yea im not vaccinated” to which he says “well then technically you’re supposed to wear one but it’s ok.”

Much as we all predicted, “masks optional for vaccinated and liars” holds true. Or even for truth telling anti-vax idiots because theres no way retail employees will ever enforce the mask rules.


Yeah literally every comment is dumber than the last.

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How many brits normally isolate during a summer?

The most important thing to me is that the pastor feels better.

Cases have increased 45 percent statewide in the past two weeks, with hospitalizations rising 24 percent, according to data tracking by The New York Times.

The county where Branson is has had a 50% increase in cases in the last two weeks.

Missouri has the highest level of the delta variant of any state.

Feel like this might be the best thing to come out of this pandemic.


This is where the tracking chip should go,

Flu, Covid and other Respitory vaxes in one shot.

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Pretty great. I also enjoyed this one:

Can’t touch the production values of Vax That Thang Up, tho, wow. They put in some work.

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Oh, that was a great one, too.

lol Japan

Don’t like where this is going:

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My doctor, who spent a lot of time working in the ICU during Covid and did not get Covid, just went on his first vacation since the start of Covid and is now pozzed. He has been vaccinated since January.

I guess he is doing fine so he still ran pretty well overall but I would be wondering how I faded it for that long in direct contact with pozzed patients and then he hits the beach to chill out after a horrible year+ and gets Covid.