COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Delta is currently 75% of new cases in Ontario vs 25% alpha (UK) and Delta has been above 50% of new cases for several weeks now. Cases are still dropping significantly, we may be testing fewer people now since there aren’t any people getting sick from it. Our positivity rate is under 1% now. with 20-30k tests per day on a 15MM population. I don’t see delta making a comeback at this point in Ontario at least.

And what would you put this down to? Where did Canada excel and the UK (and Germany, Spain, Russia, Thailand, Indonesia etc etc) fail? Will Ontario show us a lesson or will it be deep in the shite like everywhere else with better vaccination rates; you can reply in a week or so when my self silence is over and the stats may look a little different (?)

This is strange or unsupported. Delta’s not gone anywhere. There’s not a variant that over taking yet, other than Delta Plus and you don’t want that. Maybe Canada is only testing those with symptoms but you’ll know when Canada’s at 75%, and it isn’t yet

Mississippi and Alabama gonna die of covid to trigger the libs

Oklahoma reporting over 1,000 new cases today. Seems not so good. I don’t see any way we don’t see another round of death and suffering in red states especially with the new variants.

I don’t know why Ohio isn’t exploding right now, we’ve ~100% given up on any kind of mask wearing and I don’t think our vaccination rate is good.

But they are mostly anti-vaxxers.


What’s the data looking like for fully vaxxed, healthy people in their 30s wrt bad outcomes? It’s still ~“just the flu” right?

I’ve been full YOLO playing long sessions of poker unmasked with degens who probably lick doorknobs to own the libs.

Highlands hospitals are at full capacity in Scotland again, not that our PM cares. :pensive:

Your baseless speculation is tiresome and you lack the credibility, reputation or batting average to assert stuff you’re pulling out of nothing.

That’s the assumption I’m running on. Been back playing pool tournaments this week, going to start poker next week. Hopefully I’m not being stupid.

At the gym for the first time in 18 months. Was losing motivation for my outdoor/resistance band exercises and too many pants weren’t fitting anymore. Masks optional for vaxxed. GL to me.

Canada currently has the best vaccination rates in the world in terms of first doses and within 2 weeks will have the best in terms of 2nd doses too.

Same here. Been back to normal since the CR (almost) completely reopened in late May. Only wearing a mask where required.

Vermont reported 1 new case yesterday, which was our 26th straight day in single digits.


Here’s Washington State’s report on breakthrough cases:

The short of it is, since January the state has had 2382 breakthrough cases. Of those, 10% were hospitalized, 43 died. Of the 43 that died, 27 were long term care facility residents.

I’m not able to easily find the statistics for the total number of covid cases since January. Does anybody have that information? Would be nice to know what percentage of cases were breakthrough.

I think it’s ~197,922

@churchill if you want me to try to figure out what you’re saying providing poorly cropped screen shots with no links means I’m, and probably no one else, is going to figure it out.

two positives today. One black woman that I work with who didn’t get vaccinated (support staff is less than enthusiastic about vaccines) and a hispanic guy. Doubt these people are trump voters, despite stuff posted here.

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I had a feeling some of these nutjob churches would become superspreader events.

I’m sure it will just make them hate liberals more.

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