COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

For date storage and sorting YYYYMMDD is the only way to go.

I think it probably came from there with the year cut off.



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I know you don’t read your links but

I don’t think you were gracing unstuck with your posting prowess in March - September 2020, like when covid wasn’t really a thing in kids. All the gold standard studies at the time showed the same.


I guess this shitty reporting should state, ‘By the end of May 2021’ children made up 24%’ - USA has discovered Delta folks.

No-one has said kids don’t transmit as well as adults since c. December 2020, with the advent of variants (UK Variant and Indian / Delta) and vaccines affecting the age groups infected. At least 67% of the adult population have had their first now, so the virus is infecting elsewhere (shock)

Your posting just shows you’ve been at least 6 months behind the curve
 and still are

Should be interesting to see whether the US can reopen schools, now that covid is actually transmitting in kids (no chance, missed the boat on that one)

Covid was also a “thing” in kids too churchil then. Your quote illustrates nicely why, even if you don’t realize and decide to be a jerk while being completely wrong. The do kids spread talk also lasted much longer.

See in March of 2020, normal people only had access to testing if they were being hospitalized. Kids rarely get hospitalized. This also plays into why later testing showed lower rates for kids. Kids are less likely to have symptoms, and much less likely to have moderate to severe symptoms. You don’t get tested for covid just for fun. Shutting down schools also slowed spread, as that’s kids main source of congregation and therefore spread.

Follow up studies showed large amounts of spread in us schools before any variant stuff in the USA as well. You utterly and totally ignorant on this subject. But please, keep talking about how I’m ‘behind the curve’ man thanks.

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Quote illustrates kids ‘were’ spreading at 2% and make up 16% of the population - scary stuff - shut the schools since Mar 2020.


Those that knew kids made up a non-proportional % of spread stated ‘kids do (did) not spread at the rate rate as adults’.

Others were like ‘ZOMG, they’re germs factories’ - some volunteered their 6yr kids for medical trials, so they survive

It seems this dinasaur of a link you left substantiates that kids weren’t a real problem, until the last 6 months, like quality posters stated all along

In Churchill. In. Good grief.

You’re so desperate to record some sort of win that you just push nonsense. Stop.

What’s there to explain?

Vaccine is not 100% effective against catching COVID.

COVID caught perfect runner runner against your gf (don’t take those odds literally). Your vaccine held.

Most importantly, the primary job of the vaccine is not to prevent infection, it’s to prevent death and serious sequelae (mostly by preventing infection). So if she bounces back to normal after a week or so without hospitalization, then mission accomplished.

The detente is broken. It was nice for about 3 weeks.

Kids have been spreading it the whole time. Even if “30%” less than adults is still a fuck-ton of spread. If I hit 30% less home runs than babe Ruth I’m still a hall of famer.


Lost me there, Dan. Open a minority sports thread if you need one.

Let’s try this:

Please try to be nicer and more respectful in this forum. Please and thank you.

Will that help?


Here’s hoping Bulgaria doesn’t get classified as black by the Czech Ministry of Health

Translation: Strict Czechia blocks the return of long-term foreigners

Basically if you’re a foreigner who has the right to live in the Czech Republic, you won’t be let in if you are coming from a “black” country. The color refers to the severity of the pandemic. It’s only coincidental that nearly all of them are African.

There’s no mention if vaccinated people are excluded from this though. So I’m not sure if it applies to me.

Florida, man.

“Average daily reports of new cases in Florida have risen by 55 percent in the past two weeks”

Hop on the tram here. Normally 100% mask compliance but not so much now.

I see a young couple mask-free.

I then hear them talk to each other. So, I immediately know they’re tourists and I pick up their American-accented English a few seconds later.

Of course, Guido Douchebaggio and Valleygirl Bitchface had to be American tourists. Giving every damn foreigner a bad name with their ignorance.


Don’t bother @CaffeineNeeded replying to me, go question :point_up_2:on your twitter account and leave me in peace, thanks. :v:


why post in here then?

Also, what have you imagined about my position that makes you think I would find someone complaining about a tv interview remotely interesting?

Finally, what am I supposed to be in disagreement here? That “long covid” people use up a lot of resources? That they have symptoms?

Thanks for your contribution

Shit, I’m so lucky I decided not to work in the UK this summer.

First 10 days from CR would be in quarantine so yeah, we’re as lucky as you. You’d probably need an employment permit these days too x

Irish don’t need a work permit.

But yeah, the quarantine would probably complicate getting to work.

Also given the way things are, it’s possible I wouldn’t be allowed back in the Czech Republic from the UK. The current policy in place and the UK’s covid status wouldn’t permit it.