COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

That week numbering thing is bullshit. Hate it when working with euro partners.

Did not work but appreciate the effort. :sunglasses: you did make me wonder why we donā€™t list the month like that as a number ever. Itā€™s always the name of the month.

date/month/year is so much more logical. Start with the smaller measurement of time and move to the larger one as you read to the right.

No idea who started the month/day/year thing in America.


So date shenanigans aside what the hell? Is she just super unlucky or what? I didnā€™t think this was supposed to happen to double jabbed people.

I thought the AZ vaccine had only like a 33% protection rate against the delta variant

But yeah bad luck probably played a role too

Delta is extremely contagious and AZ is only moderately effective at preventing infections. If you want to look on the bright side, itā€™s probably making her symptoms significantly less severe than they otherwise would be.

Already posted by @spidercrab


It doesnā€™t say anything about the AZ vaccine.

How seriously ill was she? Did she need to go to the hospital?

So the existing assumptions remain, ie winter booster.

I donā€™t think there is much more needed to explain her getting Covid than the fact that no vaccine is 100% effective. A small percentage of fully vaccinated people will still get sick. Itā€™s not surprising, itā€™s guaranteed.

Sorry to hear she is ill. Hopefully she recovers soon.

Accountants probably.

Iā€™m not sure why you think this is the case for the AZ and not the other two. Iā€™d be surprised if there was a substantial difference.

Iā€™ll go with the research rather than assuming two different technologies will produce the same results.

The research youā€™ve posted says Pf and Mod protection will last for years if there arenā€™t any variants. The rest of what youā€™re saying about AZ doesnā€™t seem to be supported by anything.

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You say this but havenā€™t posted any that supports the thing youā€™re going hard for.

Whatā€™s odd in the Czech Republic is even though there has been an increase in the number of confirmed cases, there has still been a continuous decrease in the number of hospitalizations. There are currently 33 COVID hospitalizations in the CR which is the lowest number since the middle of March in 2020.

Obviously, the increase will continue and Iā€™m sure the numbers will change but things this time around seem less fatal.

This is expected as vaccines increase right. Covid is not going away. It is just changing from pandemic to endemic. Thatā€™s why we all need to start focussing on stats other than infection rate.

Wow, turns out kids can spread covid, weird!