COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

That should be a lot easier with this new mRNA technology.

I’m sticking with my initial prediction that this becomes endemic, at least in the US. Less that 70% vaxxed here, maybe 5% of America is going to get the Delta DLC. Only bright spot is that this thing mutates very slowly imo.

What’s lol about it? Just the flags?

Tent looks to be the value purchase, IMO - 2% back for executive membership too

Flags + lighters displayed together

I just don’t see endemic happening until it shows it can re-infect efficiently. I’m not 100% sure on this, but I think that if it can re-infect then higher R0s mean it’s more likely to burn out than become endemic so long as it can’t re-infect.

I would bet at least half of the fully vaxxed people would get a booster either this fall/winter or if it were shown that there was a more pressing need sooner than that.

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Went to three stores, Costco, Safeway, and a snobby local store, and the farmer’s market to day. Almost no masks at the market and snobby store, maybe 30% at Safeway, and about 50-70% at Costco. Public opinion around here has shifted quickly into “pandemic over” territory. Thankfully Oregon’s statewide case load and daily new cases are both trending down still.

So my partner who had her second jab on the 24th of the 5th just got an official positive covid test and has pretty severe symptoms. I’ve only had one jab and I slept in the same bed as her (brag) through the first few days of symptoms because I figured it can’t be covid it must be a cold and yet I just tested negative. Explain that one nerds. Seriously please explain it because wtf!?

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Out of interest did you both have same vaccine and did you both have same type of test? - you state her’s was an official test but I’m guessing you just had the flow test (gives a false negative with delta 30-60% of the time so schools send the kids for a PCR despit a negative flow test

I did both types of test negative on both. I had pfizer she had astra.

Pfizer protected you.

Sorry to hear your partner’s unwell.


So what you’re saying is I’m indestructible? In-des-tructable.


Saw some research last week that said Pfizer and Moderna vaccinees may be protected for years while us poor AZers will need regular boosts.

Shit that’s not good. Hope she gets well soon.


And I’d recommend an mRNA shot on top of the AZ after recovery. That sucks.

Sorry. When did they get their second jab?

May is the 5th month.

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Lol that was my attempt to make the date clear for crazy Americans. 24th of may.

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