COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I guess everything being back to normal by the 4th was… optimistic.

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Are vaccines saving lives?





Hasnt like 90% of the people who have had two doses gotten the second before 8 weeks?

I don’t think it’s that high - at least not in the UK.

I had my first 28th March and had my second scheduled for 17th June - and that was brought forward at the beginning of June to the 4th. So up until beginning of June we were still aiming for 12wks.

Yeah, I was being UScentric. Sorry about that

My current tolerance level for inconvenience to me aimed at protecting unvaccinated adults is exactly zero.


Surely there’s a carve out for those who can’t get vaccinated for medical reasons (admittedly legit ones are very rare). And of course, there are kids. And all of the things you do to protect the unvaxxed adults also protects their unvaxxed kids.

JT is on hiatus, so I thought I’d take this for him.


Eight weeks in between jabs is a long time. How protected can we assume to be after jab #1 while waiting two whole months for #2?

Asking as the only person left on this forum still waiting to be eligible…

One shot is actually pretty good. I don’t want to write a text wall of disclaimers, so just take this a bit of an oversimplification. For a relatively healthy person (which I’m assuming is what you are) one shot of any of the two shot vaccines is probably good enough for you to not have to worry about death by COVID at all.


Not very. In the study they describe this decrease in effectiveness as “modest but significant” and there is more to the story of immune response than antibody binding efficiency in any case.


And I mean that sincerely. I agree with you.


Yeah there was CDC study released in May that showed one dose of Pfizer/Moderna was 82% effective compared to 94% for both doses.

My vaxx hesitant friend just posted that he got his shot today. Makes me happy. Hopefully there are a lot more like him who are slowly coming around.


Not so fast…

On the other hand death rates here under Delta are much lower than before. 27,000 infections/day here now but "only " 27 deaths.

Looks to a layperson as if it’s heading towards flu-like levels of mortality. There’s been talk of a winter booster combined with the annual flu vaccine.

UK - Leading The Way With COVID Infections

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Job one of limiting deaths and significant illness has been well accomplished (assuming high vax rate last amongst the most vulnerable).

Limiting circulation has not. Pockets of US are bad, similar in other countries like UK. Lots of places in the word where the virus is going to have 2-3 years to evolve.

Circulation and partial immunes is the gold standard for generation and selection for “bad” mutants.

Not an expert but the sooner a delta booster is available the better IMO


Who’s going to go out and get a Delta booster? Only a tiny fraction of the population, it seems.

Me. But you make a good point. Not until a variant does damage to those already vaxxed will we see an intense booster campaign.

Wouldn’t the vaccine need to be modified to combat the mutation before it’s worth getting a booster!

Using booster interchangeably with updated antigen sequence(s)

Los Angeles Costco/Starbucks report: vast majority still masked. Maybe slightly lower, so like 90% instead of 95%.

Also this display which is super lol and I also posted in the LC thread