COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

is it onion or is it babylon bee?

There used to be one in my city but its gone a longtime ago, Iā€™ve also not seen any around anymore elsewhere so think theā€™ve gone tbh.

While about 65 percent of polled adults say theyā€™ve already gotten their COVID-19 vaccine, only 3 percent say they still plan to get vaccinated as soon as possible. The rest responded that they would ā€œwait and seeā€ (10 percent), only get vaccinated if required (6 percent), or would ā€œdefinitely notā€ get vaccinated (14 percent).

The proportion of the ā€œdefinitely notā€ crowd has largely gone unchanged throughout the survey, which began last December and is run monthly by the Kaiser Family Foundation. Throughout the survey, between 13 percent and 15 percent of polled adults have fallen into the ā€œdefinitely notā€ category. Likewise, the ā€œonly if requiredā€ proportion has fluctuated between 6 percent and 7 percent since January.

Meanwhile, the ā€œwait and seeā€ proportion has dwindled considerably, shrinking from 39 percent in December to the current 10 percent in the June data. However, the remaining 10 percent may be harder than ever to sway. Of those remaining wait-and-see adults, 61 percent said they worry that current vaccines wonā€™t be effective against variants. (Mounting data continues to show that current vaccines are effective against all of the concerning variants circulating in the US). And 43 percent said the number of cases is so low that there is ā€œno need for more people to get the vaccine.ā€

ā€œMight not be effective against variantsā€ really means Iā€™m looking for any excuse to not take the vaccine, because I donā€™t wonā€™t to publicly admit Iā€™m an anti-vaxxer.

My ex tried to pull this shit until my daughter laid down the law for seeing the new baby. In her case she is that afraid of needles but Iā€™m wondering if she is turning deplorable.


Prof. Anthony Harnden is on the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation and he advises the government on the vaccine rollout.

He says: "The data suggests very strongly that the longer you leave that second dose, the better longer term protection you will have.

ā€œThere is a sort of sweet spot from about eight weeks onwards, and we wouldnā€™t advise anybody to really have the second dose before then.ā€

Yeah basically that 43% of that group were just lying to not take heat, initially.

Weā€™d need to know itā€™s spread rate and disease causing effectiveness.

While we are concerned about ā€œbad mutationsā€ remember itā€™s possible that a variant might arise that is both more transmittable but less harmful. So far itā€™s seem to have been more spread and more harmful, but we can hope.

No clue how neutralizing titer corresponds to vaccine effectiveness. Itā€™s possible a 2 fold decrease in neutralizing is only a few percent difference in the actual immune response since antibodies arenā€™t the full story.

Itā€™s all just evidence that there will be booster shots. The vaccine is protecting the most vulnerable and buying significant time in high vax countries to respond with boosters. That said, donā€™t throw away your masks.

And remember itā€™s the low vax states and the rest of the world that are the real variant incubators. How there is not an Marshall plan for world vaccination is beyond me.

Reminds me of TikTok I saw the other day of a couple in masks making a last video of them masked before they planned to burn them.

People are dumb.

Would need to cite some actual evidence there Professor. Type of vaccine? Where is the data.

Plusses- heā€™s been on the committee for a few years, so someone thinks heā€™s worthy.

Minuses- looks like he is a GP not an immunologist. The whole committee is not putting out an official statement. No thought at balancing a couple of points for the individual vs the potential for more community spread amongst the partially vaxxed for an extra few weeks.

(No issue with the post, just read it and struck me as to what is not in it).

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The whole ā€œnow we need to wear masks because the vaxxed are transmitting the virusā€ crowd has me slayed. Any reasoning to be a contrarian.

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The UKā€™s vaccine trials and the subsequent 12 week gap between doses of all UK approved vaccines are your evidence. Pfizer was our first approved vaccine around 8th Dec 2020.

Itā€™s up thread but UK trials did run many different schedules for second dose and it would appear the most recent evidence shows the sweet spot is at least 8 weeks. There are many other countries with the 12 week gap based off the same evidence presumably, not just because the UK had a hunch.

Heā€™s the Deputy Chairman of the JCVI since 2015 and a member since 2006 and maybe therefore qualified to speak on the committees behalf.

1st Jab was the 13th May

2nd Jab is 10th July

Sound like Iā€™m hitting the sweet spot :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Shit, it was 6.5 weeks for me

Is your will up to date?


so evidence quality isā€¦ a non RCT observation trial with no control?

This isnā€™t a serious discussion if thatā€™s where youā€™re headed.

Iā€™m empathetic to the limitations of evidence based medicine far more than you likely realize, but we have multiple gold standard RCTs showing amazing effectiveness with follow up observational work showing long term effectiveness in those same groups against variants. The success of the vaccines are truly remarkable.

Because of that success, thereā€™s very little upside to changing the schedule. Thereā€™s just not much more good that is possible.

Yeah - god forbid we have a serious discussion.

Oklahoma 7dma has now doubled in the last month. We are still only sitting at 38% full vaxed. Places like this are setting up for disaster in the fall/winter I fear. The only hope is enough people have had it already to avoid a large wave. Anecdotally it seems a lot of my recent clients have had Covid so maybe?

It seems like the number of cases in NYC has stopped decreasing. The 7DMA of new cases got as low as 190, but itā€™s now back up to 200. Too early to tell if that is noise or a real uptick.

Lol meanwhile this seems to be the week everyone decided to stop wearing masks in stores.