COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

All the science says vaccinated people don’t have bad outcomes after 1 week. The two weeks is a buffer to make sure you didn’t get sick in the 1 week. If you attend now you are unlikely to get infected in a way that harms you but could potentially have an asymptomatic infection that spreads.


I don’t care about getting it assuming I have a very low chance of severe outcomes. I’m still working from home and like 90% isolated. Now that my mom has passed away I don’t spend any time with high risk people.

I could be just rationalizing though because I want to play!

I’m leaning towards playing, but can’t decide.

I’m all for caution until we can vaccinate more, particularly the young, and am behaving as such. That said, from a personal risk standpoint, I dont think it gets much better than right now for the vaccinated for a long time in the USA. Might not get more dangerous, but we are going to be having COVID cases and mini outbreaks for years or decades. Right now the vaccines are super effective.

Again, not advocating YOLO or indoor restaurants right now for the sake of the community, but from a personal risk perspective this is kinda as good as it gets IMO

Test, play, isolate for a bit then test again probably isn’t the worst of things but waiting a week would be better

Are they going to mask up? Are they vaccinated?

He said they are rich lawyers.

Lawyers don’t get vaccinated?

I say mask up, be prepared to be mocked, but take all their monies!

No masks but yes everyone has at least one dose. 3/6 are past the two weeks of second dose.

They probably are since over 71% of Albertan 12+ are one dose vaccinated.

Now let’s talk about me:
I wanted the afternoon off work to watch England vs Germany so I decided to book my vaccination appointment @420pm EST about an hour away on that day (only place I could find a time). My work gives up to 4 hours paid time off on the day of the vaccine so I thought I could get hours 12-4 off. Many other coworkers I’ve noticed have received the full four hours off. I declined any time off for my first dose(was home 30 minutes before my shift started), when I informed my boss of my time and place of the vaccine this time she just said let me know what time you need to leave at to make your appointment rather than offering the last four hours of my shift off. Should I get greedy to watch the game and ask to be off 4 hours+ prior to my appointment or just take off at 2 and watch exra time if it goes that far? I will have the game streaming in my office on my personal laptop at home, but I will have to be doing work as my primary focus if I am working as is the nature of my job.

Then get in there!

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Ugh, just hold on one more week, man.

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What would they have done if NC State won yesterday?

Just brought the trophy to the Texas/Miss St game tonight and awarded the winner the title?

If the community incidence is low (<1/10,000 poz per day) and everyone has one dose I think you are getting towards an overall risk between 1 in a 100k and 1M and certainly over 1/1M for any serious consequences.

Probably make them retroactively forfeit. Too much money involved in televising the final I assume.

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I think that if you continue to mask up indoors with people, like for shopping trips and such for two weeks after (or longer if you want, obv), your risk to other people is pretty small, and the risk to yourself is not much higher and more a question of your own risk tolerance than ethics.

@clovis8 , this is the best course of action.


I’ve finally gone into a couple stores without a mask. Feels weird. Went to Target with my daughter and barely anyone had masks. When we saw that the employees weren’t wearing them, we took ours off. I’ve generally been using employee usage as my guide.

You live in La Jolla? You’re now on my guillotine list…


I know you’re joking around, but to be clear…I rent the least expensive 1 BR within a 5 mile radius, specifically moved here so I could walk 2.5 miles to work(back when I had to go into the office) because I don’t own a car, I own no stock, have zero assets, and no 401k. I am near the bottom the guillotine list :grinning: