COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Does 3 days post J&J count as unvaccinated in this count?

Should clarify the pt had his confirmed exposure 3 days post vaccine. He died 3 weeks later.

I donā€™t know what the specific rules are for classification.

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Just got contact traced by a lady in our church who got COVID. She was fully vaccinated

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Thread :point_up_2:

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seems completely fine and extremely normal


Its an endemic virus that high vax countries increasingly have no interest is combatting, USA at the top of the heap. Im down to among the 20% or so masked in most indoor public settings. Im trying to wean off following the numbers, nothingā€™s going to change and Im just going to get annoyed. Vaccines working well still at least, think the doom and gloomers on twitter are overestimating the chances of a national wave in the US. Unvaxxed regions in for some unpleasant surprises. Maybe the healthcare workers should just all pack up and move to vaccinated areas.

I can see some major super-spreader events in places like redneck bars, nutjob churches, gun shows, etc. - combine with hot red states and air-conditioning that can sometimes amplify the spread.

@Ikioi @miliboo

Any word from the Japanese and Uruguayan officials on when you might get your turns?

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I just got back from grocery shopping: 95% masked. Itā€™s nice to live less than a mile from UCSD and be surrounded by mostly conscientious people.


Outside of the the California cities the pandemic is over. Our Y just went to no masks required for anyone, including unvaxxed. (Unvaxxed staff still need to mask).

Based on observations in Minnesota and Montana it is over there. The only place I see significant masking is in the airport and some stores/restaurants/hotels have their staff still masking.

Let the Darwin games begin. If you are too stupid to get vaxxed you may get eliminated from the gene pool. and yes this is corrupted because death is still age weighted to those folks that have already gone forth and multiplied.

I went to a surprise party at Musso and Frank in Hollywood, CA on Wednesday night (it was for my business partner, I really had no choice), and it was PACKED with nary a mask in sight. So, at least in some circles, the pandemic is over here as well.

The latest info here is that my city will be making the vax available to my age group from August. Not as soon as I had hoped, but only about a month away.


Iā€™m a bit of a weird one as Iā€™m not a resident here so have no local ID to register for the jab. Last week TPTB updated the system and Iā€™ve been approved. Should be notified of my first jab date within the next 72hrs.

Her-in-doors received her 2nd dose last week.

According to the gubmint 62% have had 1 dose, 43% both.

Eta: lilā€™ old Uruguay made it to The Guardian yesterday: Uruguay accused of squandering early Covid success amid deadly surge


just in time for me tho!

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Yeah people have been acting like itā€™s over in LA. I was starting to feel like the weirdo for wearing a mask in the stores.

But my wifeā€™s office is having a mini-outbreak right now shortly after reopening, including one guy who was supposedly fully vaccinated. So itā€™s definitely not over for the two of us. We were almost feeling like weā€™d be OK with eating indoors again, but this is snapping us back to the reality of a couple of months ago.

A bunch of new cases in Israel among fully vaxxed, but no way to break down hospitalization and death among fully vaxxed.

Government entities really need to start reporting vaccinated state so we can break down cases, hospitalizations or deaths by vaxx vs unvaxxed.

Interesting stuff about symptom changes too.

ā€œCovid is also acting differently now,ā€ Spector noted in a YouTube briefing last week. ā€œItā€™s more like a bad cold in this younger population and people donā€™t realize that and that hasnā€™t come across in any of the government information.ā€

ā€œSince the start of May, we have been looking at the top symptoms in the app users and they are not the same as they were,ā€ he said. ā€œThe number one symptom is headache, then followed by sore throat, runny nose and fever.ā€ More ā€œtraditionalā€ Covid symptoms such as a cough and loss of smell were much rarer now he said, with younger people experiencing much more of a bad cold or ā€œfunny off feeling.ā€

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If only there was something the NCS players and coaches could have done to avoid this fate. Dumbasses.



Itā€™s been one week from my second dose. AZ then Pfizer.

Iā€™m invited tonight to my first live game. Itā€™s rich lawyers, most of whom suck, but everyone has so much fun. I havenā€™t played a live hand since before Covid. Some of the research I find says one week might be enough.

  • ā€œI told Worm you canā€™t lose what you donā€™t put in the middle. But you canā€™t win much either.ā€
  • Wait the extra week you idiot! It takes two weeks, not one!

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Sort of depends how much you care if you get COVID and how much you can isolate yourself afterwards as you arenā€™t fully vaccinated