COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Having to divert covid patients from out hospitals here in Springfield to KC and STL and LR.

160 patients currently in there.

From Chiefsplanet. Delta variant wilding in Springfield, MO.


People are slowly starting to go back to the movies. May 28 to June 3 was the first week with over $100 million in U.S. box office receipts since March 2020, but weā€™re still at less than half of 2019 numbers.

I walked by the big AMC complex in Marina Del Rey - where they have a bunch of regular theaters and a dine-in theater. Looked utterly dead at 8pm Saturday night. I started to question holding Cinemark.

But LA is different. Itā€™s still cold here. As it gets hot everywhere else - an air-conditioned movie might sound like a nice idea.

Worst take back ever. She just doubling down on her wrongness. She must be related to fonzi.

I am interested in the data that found unvaccinated children were as safe as vaccinated adults.

Stifles laughter

(Just glad my brother moved out of Missouri)

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Passengers who sail from Florida and dont show proof of vaccination will have to get tested 4 times, wear masks and pay an extra $200.

The Atlantic has you covered! Great work publishing this and not getting any actual public health experts to weigh in. Someday Iā€™ll figure out why Oster was treated as the last word on COVID safety by the legacy media, but today is not that day.

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went to a movie last Friday for the first time since 2019, theater was pretty dead for our 5 pm showing but it had picked up a bit when we were leaving

Grunching by a lot but itā€™s hard to know how to feel about Covid these days.

On one hand some spikes or even a 4th wave amongst unvaxed seems very likely. A lot of my family is unvaxed. The odds of one still needlessly (now extremely needlessly) dying from Covid in a deep red state scares me. It honestly feels inevitable at this point.

That being said I think I am finally at the acceptance phase. The fight against Covid ended over a year ago for all intents and purposes. No matter what happens from here we arenā€™t going to handle this responsibly. I have accepted nothing that I do will have any meaningful impact at this point.

Explain why I really need to care about the Delta variant that is most likely to wipe out the morons that have been making this worse all along? Outside of my closest family seeing a Covid denier die at this point would probably be cathartic in a sick way. I literally despise a decent chunk of my extended family who have spent their time spreading misinformation on social media while healthcare workers and millions others suffered. That will be the real Covid legacy for me. Finding out a huge percentage of the people around me are at best selfish and dumb and at worst evil.


I attended a sporting event and theme park this weekend. I would estimate that 1% of the people were wearing masks. Covid is over.


ā€œPfizer has said it will likely seek an emergency use authorization for its vaccine for children ages 2 to 11 in September.ā€

Approval sometime in October.


Thanks for all for taking Oster to task. What a complete moron. Completely ruined Chris Hayes for me. Heā€™s been on team Emily since the start.


Delta specifically, as a two dosed vaccinated person, probably not much to personally worry about outside of the low, but non zero chance, that you (or any of us) kill off an unvaxxed by accident and kids being part of that sort of suck.

Nothing much you can do individually. Just gonna really suck if gamma or w/e is oh whoops vaccines donā€™t work great against this one. The morons arenā€™t gonna lock down again and thereā€™s no more fed help coming, would be a really shitty six months or w/e while we personally lock down and revaccinate

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For those who donā€™t follow the Vegas thread, some observations from my recent trip.

The people still masking up were primarily employees (who may have had no choice), minorities, and families with children.

I played with a player who was still masking up because he was only five days after his second shot.

A few places that I went to (mainly Asian restaurants) still had signs up requiring masks, which I dutifully complied with, but I went mostly maskless.

I did not see any negative behavior towards people still choosing to wear masks.


Saw one of my classes getting tested early morning and then saw my session with them cancelled for today.

One of my students tested positive for COVID. The entire class had to go home. Showed no symptoms or anything like that.

Only a couple of days of class left thankfully

Daily positive test rate in the CR went over 1% for the first time in 2 weeks. So yeah itā€™s a slow and steady comeback. This is likely connected with the 100 delta cases being confirmed. Thankfully, over 90% of vaccinated people here got mRNA. So weā€™ll probably be less impacted than the UK

One week update: Weā€™re down to about 5 or 6 people (including me) wearing masks, Iā€™m pretty sure HR is taking the same ā€œif youā€™re walking around without a mask we assume youā€™re vaccinatedā€ stance that most businesses are. Weā€™ve been incredibly lucky since weā€™ve been working through the pandemic and have only had 1 confirmed case so far but I doubt that record holds for much longer because I doubt these maskless people have actually been vaccinated.

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Would it be wrong to get some pride masks to support their cause but also get my middle age white male coworkers mad?


If doing that is wrong, I donā€™t wanna be right.


Seems like the vast majority of those dying have no one to blame but themselves. Heartless but it is what it is.