COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

The daily podcast ran somebody else’s podcast today with Fauci. It’s a good listen.

My cousin went to grad school there in the mid 2000s and lived in a garage in a house he shared with ~half a dozen other cyclists, and he still paid an obscene amount of money.

It’s #1 on places I’d move to if I could afford it. Heat and humidity suck.


Its gorgeous here, I’m fortunate in that regard. If my partner and I ever want to own a home, it’ll be somewhere with far worse weather. If you’re ever out here HMU.


That’s how I do it.


Wife and I are now double vaxed. Her appointment in two weeks was cancelled when the entire vaccine clinic was shut down, so I asked at registration if they had extra doses and they said she could come on in.

Going to be a good summer :sunglasses:


“Isabella wants it because her friends are getting it, and she doesn’t want to wear a mask,” said Charisse, a mother of a 17-year-old in Delray Beach, Fla., who asked that her last name be withheld for family privacy. Charisse fears the shot could have an effect on her daughter’s reproductive system (a misperception that public health officials have repeatedly refuted).

“Isabella said, ‘It’s my body.’ And I said, ‘Well, it’s my body until you’re 18.’”

Jesus Christ.


Thanks for opening and posting some clifs… I can’t get into the Nytimes for some reason, cookies maybe. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

There’s a reason us canooks give vaccines to kids that want them, despite their stupid parents. Anti-vaxx/lockdown morons did stand outside the popup and scream and swear at the children like they were pregnant teens, though.

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This dude probably died in a state of bliss, knowing the libs were owned.


How long from diagnosis to death?

He was right. He is never taking the Covid shot.

I feel bad about myself when I don’t really feel bad for people like this. I am tired of these people making me feel bad. :selfie:


Megyn Kelly disagrees.

Now I don’t know who to believe.


Sydney back in lockdown for two weeks at a minimum. Again the virus escaped from the quarantine system. This time a driver who transported air crew who was somehow not vaccinated and didn’t wear a mask gjge. Also vaccination rate in Australia is under 3% because we went all in on AZ and then told everyone it is not safe as it causes blood clots and now the government is surprised that even 50+ just want to wait for Pfizer or Moderna. Did hear I can request my second AZ shot earlier than the 12 weeks it was scheduled for. If this outbreak gets worse then I might go for that.

So it’s possible I’m just getting unlucky, but I’ve admitted at least one a patient with covid the past 4 shifts. Worrying. All unvaccinated though which is reassuring I suppose.

For all intents and purposes people are back pre Covid. Going to movies, barbecues, make out parties etc etc.

I’m not sure it’s an issue outside of everyone starting back up and unvaccinated people not seeing a reason to sit things out.

For the Clippers game last night they made it super clear on all tickets that you either had to be fully vaxxed or bring a test. Of course I forgot my vaxx card and was having a meltdown on the Metro - thinking if my emails from the vaxx place might be good enough or if I’d have to take the train back to my car then drive home and miss the first half.

We got there and no checking anything, nada. I don’t know if there was a policy change or if the whole thing was always BS. Fully packed house, they make you wear a mask on entrance and that’s it.

I doubt 40% of that crowd was actually vaccinated. And realistically there was no way they’re going to turn that many people away or have them doing shit like me looking at emails. It would be a gargantuan clusterfuck. YOLO

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Wow. Never been invited to one of those.

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