COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Yes. He was walking in our front door and out the back to work with the dog. I’m fully vaccinated, if the other person is fully vaccinated I’m fine with that. I guess I should wrap my head around the idea that some people might straight-up lie, but visitors to our house are very rare.

That’s going to be the anti-vaxxer default strategy before long.

In fact, the result of this whole interaction was probably, him saying to himself, “The next time that happens, I’m just gonna say yes”.

Definitely. He was taken off guard and you could see the regret in his face as he spoke.

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Numbers are a little noisy now, and doesn’t look like there is anywhere in the throes of a new wave yet, but the 7 day average/testing numbers/positivity rate points to USA COVID cases troughing, or back slightly on the increase, at somewhere around 13.5k new cases a day.

Good news continuing on hospitalizations and deaths at least, although some low vax states (notably Texas) starting to see hospitalizations rise again.

Hopefully vax levels in high vax states+vaccination continuing blunt this nascent surge, but the race is on.

Parents in low vax states and, perhaps, J&Jers in low vax states with high COVID risk or who have contact with high COVID risk individuals should consider resuming shielding if they had started to reduce precautions.

I became so starved for interaction I started flirting with the two women at the post office (be nice to the people that control your mail). A few minutes into the convo one jokes that she always recognizes me despite my n95 by how I act and carry myself.

Me: “Yeah I can’t wait to take off this mask soon and actually show you my face.”
Her: “Yeah sadly that may be a long time.”
Me: “Yeah I just got my second dose. I hear they’re pumping them out. Who knows. Maybe soon!”
Her: “Oh I didn’t know they already started second shots.”
Me: “Yeah I think we’re at 20%?”
Her: “oh okay. Yeah but who even knows what’s in those shots too, right?”

my heart drops

Me: “You should still get vaccinated.”

dramatic pause

Her: “Yeah I got my first one and am signed up for my second. But who really knows, you know?”


Cruise lines up 2% today. STONKS Only 8% is good news or something.

Counterpoint is that hardcore cruise people are a cult, willing to die to get back on cruises.

If everyone is vaccinated people death seems pretty low risk, but seems likely there’s gonna be disruption from positive tests on some large percentage of these cruises unless the plan is to go all vax and then never test.

From a community perspective these things seem like the absolute last before times activity that should come back, but I guess in USA we are kind of already to that point.

Cruise people will just go back to their comfort zone of getting staph, legionaries and “mystery viruses”.


All well worth it for a seat at the captain’s table and some pics of foreign ports.

Yeah as a “softcore” cruise person I can’t imagine being the damn guinea pig for this kind of thing, although an all-vaxed cruise sounds like it could be viable.

I’d consider a cruise like mayyyybe late next year after having a lot of time to see how things go. Of course the problem with that is that it might put me smack dab at the point where they’re starting to get rid of any kind of vax/testing requirements and making it a complete free-for-all and starting like wave 8 of the pandemic.

It’s free for all no masks for unvaccinated now. It’s so dumb.

AND bottomless mimosas. Worth it!

I, for the life of me, will never understand cruises or the people who like them.

It’s a floating pool of bacteria and viruses.


as well as a poor substitute for a diverse holiday offering people an insight into how others live.


It’s a week of free food and alcohol that’s available 24/7 and is largely better than the local food outside of cities. You are sailing through cool places, there are pools and bars and dance clubs and whatever. If you’re a single person they’re filled with people looking for casual cruise ship sex. It’s got a staff that cleans up after you and waits on you hand and foot.

I understand if it’s not your thing, but like… it’s pretty easy to understand the appeal?


I went to an open mic comedy event last night at a microbrew place with a covered patio.

It was packed, despite the shitty weather.

We got to 80% with first shot, so all restrictions have been lifted. People are fucking DONE with the pandemic.

Exactly. I mean I like all different types of vacations, but sometimes you want that one-stop shop for rest and relaxation and fun.

I get why people like it.

I just think they are very wrong.

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