COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Dog trainer just came to our house, rang doorbell, no mask. I open the door a crack and say “are you vaccinated”, he was clearly taken aback and stammered “no”. I said “can you put on a mask before coming in?” and he reluctantly did. Not a great introduction!



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This turned out to be fairly prescient from a year ago. Remember that period where red states were like “we’re moving past covid”?


Being vaxxed makes all of this so much easier. Nature of my work, but I still don’t generally talk to people inside, but even outside “I’m vaxxed-you’re vaxxed” has made interacting with people so much easier.

California “free” today


Really disappointed that they did it state wide instead of county by county based on vaccination rates. Should have applied more pressure on the Trumpy counties.


Some of the new rules are pretty silly:

Unvaccinated workers might become eligible for N95 masks

Under the same proposal being considered by the state safety standards board, California would require employers to provide respirators — such as N95 masks that filter out tiny particles from the air — to employees not yet fully vaccinated if workers request them.

N95s are far more plentiful now than they were in the early months of the pandemic.

Yes I’m sure the unvaccinated in CA will be all over that.

Most businesses aren’t required to check customers’ vaccine status

Most businesses and venues are not obligated by the state to check customers’ vaccination status.

As a result, businesses can choose to allow an unmasked customer to enter a store, and the fact that the customer is unmasked is effectively a “self-attestation” that the person is vaccinated.

Businesses also have the option of implementing some kind of vaccine verification system to determine whether the customer needs to wear a mask. They can also require all patrons to wear a mask.

Can’t see anything get contentious there.

Vaccinated people can still wear masks if they want

No one can be banned from wearing a mask as a condition of entry into a business or as a condition of participating in an activity, the California Department of Public Health said.

Crazy this needs to be said.

Yeah, we won’t see it in LA, but stories of stores with “Masks Prohibited” signs in some areas won’t be shocking.

Well this is a bit of a tease:

We withdrew frozen serum specimens from the All of Us biorepository and prepared for serologic testing, starting with specimens collected in approximately 2-week intervals from March 18, 2020 moving backwards in time until there was a week with no positive specimens or January 2, 2020, whichever came first.

How accurate are antibody tests at differentiating, say, a COVID-19 antibody from a different coronavirus antibody? Is it easy to differentiate?

lol they would have just ignored it

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I managed to snag a second dose appointment on the 26th. Going the AZ/Pfizer route.


Was at lab today to get blood drawn for some tests I need. Young guy comes in with no mask on and says “I’m having difficulty breathing and think I have a fever, they told me to go to the ER.” Can you imagine having difficulty breathing and a fever and walking into a place without a mask? (Never mind this place doesn’t have an ER.)

Going to depend on the assay you’re using, but there’s definite cross reactivity with the easily available antibody testing in the USA.

What’s the current general consensus for long haul covid for kids?

Come back later, it’s definitely rare at a minimum. Actual risk unknown

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So if he said, “yes”, then you would have let him in sans mask?