COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

In the low-vax states, were any of these restrictions really being enforced in any way though leading up to now, though? A few FL friends tell me that the only places that really had any mask requirements in recent months were specific businesses, and they did nothing to enforce them and you’d get dirty looks if you did wear one.

Probably not, but I wish they had been. Gonna be a bit of regionalized self-ownage type problems coming this winter

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All eight counties along a heavily traveled route from Branson to the Lake of the Ozarks are among the 30 local health jurisdictions with the highest rate of newly reported cases so far this month.

Local health officials said low vaccination rates are allowing the variant, which accounts for 6 percent of all cases in the U.S., to spread rapidly. Webster County, where only 26 percent of residents are fully vaccinated, has added 97 cases this month through Friday after reporting 106 in May.


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I’m in a pretty fuck em mood. I hope the olds in those states have protected themselves.

Bring on the boomer strain that takes out trumpers.

[details=“Summary”]not serious, but sometimes…


Another hokie fan obv


I feel ya, but my personal campaign to tell people to get vaccinated finds a lot more people saying they’ve just put it off versus political ideology… although I’m guessing they probably wouldn’t advertise how stupid they’re being

They are lying.

A percentage of them are. A percentage of them are not.

Maybe? It’s easy to see the trends in data but when you see an individual it just hits different. Obviously that’s my bias in seeing the best of people generally IRL… also the amount of authority that I wield in an ER is frightening sometimes. Very few people are willing to question me, much less argue, even though I encourage people to do so as I fuck up too and don’t have a ton of experience either


How easy do we lie about our folded poker hands? That’s how easy they lie about their anti-vax views to you as an authority figure. Deep down they know they are wrong, they can’t risk verbalizing it and having you disapprove.

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I saw a tweet today, wish I could find it now, that was research showing (Iirc) like 9-12 percent of minority adults in MA wanted the vaccine but had not yet got it for non antivax reasons (inability to miss work, lack of PTO, unable to access vaccine, etc). Number for white adults was like 3 percent. It does seem like with a bit more time and more targeted vax outreach efforts we could protect these people, and it is particularly important in the low vax states.


I’ve been thinking about this all day. I both want to go and am horribly afraid of going.

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I wish we had honored them by not making masks a political football and not cutting their pay last year when the lucrative elective surgery business fell off due to COVID.

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That sounds hard. What if we just praise them on social media?

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We gave ours the Clap


Mask mandates are gone today in California in most public places for vaccinated people, and also liars. They’re still required in offices, but that will probably be rescinded later this week. It pisses me off that the jackasses across the hall from my office, who have been walking around without masks for the duration, will continue to do so and feel like they’ve been vindicated.

I have one employee who, to my knowledge, is not vaccinated. He’s an important employee who’s been with us for a long time. I’ve been avoiding talking to him about it because I like him, but looks like time is running out on that. Will be interesting to see where it goes. He did, we think, have COVID at one point, so that’s probably factoring into his poor decision-making.

just drop some Moderna in his coffee