COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

He didn’t spread any fear.

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I’m glad you told your friends that. I’m sure they feel better now.

Feel free to do that thing that I told you to do 3 days ago, the last time you went down this line of jackassery.

STOP? I’m still waiting to hear how you negotiate Ubers with car seats. That would have been a game changer for me at that stage of the game.

I don’t know what you are referring too. I’m just glad your friends have you to explain the math behind things.

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You can request a car seat in app when you schedule a ride

Alas, only one car seat per uber though, and only in select cities.

Mind blown. I had no idea that was an option. How long has it been available.

Is it easy to find cars with that or do you have to wait forever to get a ride?

When I drove for uber people would try to just hold their kid. Would make me so mad.

They’ve offered this for several years at least. Haven’t noticed significantly longer waits when requesting a car seat.


Yeah, this makes it less useful. Also the select cities may only be one: NYC. It looks like it was, NYC, DC, Philly, and Orlando. But looking at the uber website seems to suggest that it is only available in NYC currently.

I’m pretty sure Uber and Lyft still have it in Orlando… because of Disney World mostly. There’s a huge market for it there.

" Texas judge tosses hospital workers’ COVID-19 vaccine requirement lawsuit, says they can ‘work somewhere else’"


US reported only 4900 new cases today. Lowest number since March 19, 2020.


I thought this was a pretty balanced and accurate look at where we stand thanks for

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I went for a walk yesterday in my neighborhood and I passed like a little neighborhood war one house had Trump flags police flags etc. all over the lawn next-door to a house with a Black Lives Matter sign the next house had a unmask our children sign and then the next house had a protect our teachers sign And during the election houses that lived right on the lake as far away from the southern border as possible like they lived as close to the northern border as you can go before the water and they had signs on their lawn build the wall like it’s so crazy how they feel threatened by everything like these people live as far away from the border as possible but they are still scared … but then They have zero fear of Covid it’s all so weird

And there’s Stuff like that all over my city. It never goes away ever

Also I’m not sure if I posted this in the right place now I just meant to post about the unmask our children sign

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Wait, what… Its legal to do that in the USA? Oh dear.

I’d recommend never to do this, even for a short journey.

It varies state by state but generally, no, that’s not legal.


Novavax vaccine is 90.4 percent effective overall, and 100 percent effective at preventing moderate and severe Covid. Trials conducted in the US and Mexico at a time when the variants were spreading widely.